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Commission Minutes-June 1, 2009 3519 <br />7. COUNTY SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS, Report provided by consultant <br />County Administrator Bonnie Johnson provided a brief history on the Courthouse and <br />construction of the north and south additions to the current building. She discussed the <br />planning process for a proposed Courthouse west addition and said the Building Committee <br />has been studying space needs for some time. She introduced Consultant Dennis Kimme <br />from Kimme & Associates, who prepared a space needs analysis of the Courthouse and <br />Annex buildings. <br />Mr. Kimme provided a presentation on the space needs analysis to the board. The board <br />contracted for a master plan and space needs analysis on a proposed west addition to the <br />Courthouse. The master plan prioritizes space needs fora 68,000 square foot addition. <br />After speaking with all the commissioners, he outlined some project goals: provide a <br />solution with the best interest of the public while being fiscally responsible; centralize county <br />government space; build an addition in increments if necessary; consider space needs for <br />the next 20 years; and plan for future technologies. <br />Mr. Kimme also studied re-use of space on the third floor of the Courthouse, vacated by <br />Regional Child Support. It was determined the best use of the space was to move a portion <br />of the State's Attorney Office and the Veteran's Service Office to this location, which the <br />commission approved earlier this year. <br />Mr. Kimme provided a brief history on the Courthouse and Annex buildings, which are both <br />fully occupied. He said 28% more space is needed based on the existing component gross <br />square footage (gsf) to the current gsf needs. In addition, 97% more space is needed by <br />the year 2030 using the same figures. He discussed components which may be moved off- <br />site, i.e. Sheriff's Office; certain parts of Social Services through satellite office locations; <br />Veteran's Service; and Extension Services. <br />Mr. Kimme said immediate priorities are to provide space for mechanical, electrical and <br />maintenance needs; move telephone and other technologies out of the basement to an <br />upper level; consider more jury courtrooms with direct secure entry for inmates; provide <br />secure inmate holding and court security support; allocate space for commission offices and <br />meeting room; and re-locate the Sheriff's Office to the Jail site. He also outlined parameters <br />used for a Courthouse west addition which include moving the Sheriff's Office to the jail site; <br />creating an addition no taller than the current Courthouse; limiting use of basement space <br />for parking; preserving green space; connecting the Courthouse and Annex with a walkway; <br />and building an addition with consideration for long-term needs. <br />Mr. Kimme said the focus of Phase I is to address dislocated functions for emergency <br />power, mechanical, electrical, maintenance and garage needs; provide three new jury <br />courtrooms; provide court holding with secure circulation; re-locate Information Technology; <br />provide a space for commission offices, a commission meeting room and offices for <br />administration; and additional parking. <br />Mr. Kimme discussed solutions to space issues at the Annex through satellite offices for <br />Social Services and re-location of Extension Services, Juvenile Court and Probation, and <br />Juvenile Detention. <br />
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