County Commission
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Commission Minutes-June 1, 2009 3520 <br />Mr. Kimme thanked everyone involved in the process. Mr. Wagner thanked Mr. Kimme for <br />his work and believes he collected the best information possible to prepare a plan for future <br />space needs of the county. <br />8. COURTHOUSE WEST ADDITION, Refined designs requested; building options to be <br />discussed during budget hearings <br />Mr. Wagner said Cass County has been studying the space needs of the county and courts <br />for a decade. The Building Committee meets monthly and at the last meeting, approved a <br />recommendation that the commission move forward with designs on Option A (see below), <br />realizing the board needs to discuss this during the budget process. <br />Architect Rick Hoganson, Foss Architecture & Interiors, was present. He distributed cost <br />estimates on three options for a west addition as follows: <br />Option A is abuild-out to meet the program, including a basement garage; court <br />holding; maintenance; commission and administration offices; information <br />technology; electrical and mechanical space; jury courtrooms; and a skyway. The <br />total cost estimate for this option is $14,650,140, which does not include renovation <br />costs. <br />Option B includes a basement garage; electrical and mechanical space; court <br />holding; maintenance; and information technology. The total cost estimate is <br />$10,940,700. <br />Option C includes a basement garage; maintenance; and electrical and mechanical <br />space. The total cost estimate is $8,548,470. <br />Mr. Pawluk suggested permanent flood protection be part of the planning process. Mr. <br />Wagner said the options include moving critical computer equipment and servers out of the <br />basement and first floor to help flood-proof the building. <br />Mr. Wagner said another on-going project is the Joint Public Safety Building, which the <br />Building Committee will discuss at their next meeting. <br />Judge Doug Herman was present and serves on the Building Committee. He commended <br />Mr. Kimme and the services he provided during this process. <br />Mr. Wagner said the original recommendation was for the board to move forward with <br />schematic designs; however, given the commission must consider funding mechanisms <br />during the budget process, he recommends moving forward on refined designs for Option A. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to request the County <br />Administrator to move forward with Foss Architects on refined designs <br />for Option A; however, the Cass County Board of Commissioners may <br />decide the county can only afford build-outs on Options B or C, which <br />will be determined during the budget process. Discussion: Mr. Wagner <br />said the board needs to look at financing options-either put the issue to <br />a public vote or through their mill levy authority. Mr. Bennett said if the <br />county waits to build an addition, project costs will continue to increase. <br />Mrs. Sorum said the building needs to be considered during the overall <br />budget process. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />
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