b. Comm policy manual-amended
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b. Comm policy manual-amended
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<br />CASS COUNTY <br />COMMISSION POLICY MANUAL <br /> <br />14.09 <br /> <br />SUBJECT: COUNTY FEES <br /> <br />Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />9. Each county office shall remit all fees collected to the county treasurer, on a monthly <br />basis, for credit to the county general fund. <br /> <br />10. Each county office shall keep a complete record of foes collected. <br /> <br />Reference: <br /> <br />NDCC 11-13-02.1 Duties of county official in rendering services to private individuals. <br />firms, or corporations - Fees to be charged - Disposition of fees - Records to be kept <br /> <br />"A county official is not required to compile statistical information for private individuals. <br />firms. or corporations, other than that required of the county auditor by section (NDCC) 11- <br />13-15. A county official may compile statistical information for private individuals. firms. or <br />corporations upon payment of a suitable charge which must be commensurate with costs <br />to the county of providina the services. If the service takes more than an hour to provide, <br />the board of county commissioners shall determine the fee. which mayor may not exceed <br />the sum of twenty-five dollars per hour. excluding the initial hour, for time consumed in <br />compilina the statistical information. The county official shall remit the fees each month to <br />the county treasurer for credit to the county aeneral fund. The county official shall keep a <br />complete record of fees collected under this section." <br /> <br />NDCC 44-04-18 Access to public records - Electronically stored information <br /> <br />"Upon request for a coPy of specific public records. any entity subiect to subsection 1 * shall <br />furnish the requester one coPy of the public records requested. A request need not be <br />made in person or in writing. and the COPy must be mailed upon request. A public entity <br />may charae up to twenty-five cents per impression of a paper COPy. As used in this <br />section. "paper coPy" means a one-sided or two-sided duplicated copy of a size not more <br />than eight and one-half by fourteen inches r19.05 by 35.56 centimeters]. For any copy of a <br />record that is not a paper coPy as defined in this section. the public entity may charge a <br />reasonable fee for making the coPy. As used in this section. "reasonable fee" means the <br />actual cost to the public entity of making the COPy. including labor. materials. and <br />equipment. The entity may charge for the actual cost of postage to mail a COpy of a <br />record. An entity may require payment before locating. redacting, making, or mailing the <br />coPy. An entity may impose a fee not exceedina twenty-five dollars per hour per request, <br />excluding the initial hour, for locating records if locating the records requires more than one <br />hour. An entity may impose a fee not exceeding twenty-five dollars per hour per request, <br /> <br />*subsection 1 (44-04-18.1) follows this section. <br />
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