2. Attendant Care program
County Commission
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2. Attendant Care program
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7/1/2008 11:30:01 AM
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<br />D. Detention Operating Procedures <br /> <br />A juvenile detention facility, as required by State Law as well as jail and detention standards, <br />must develop specific detention operating policies and procedures. Additionally, for <br />reimbursement of juvenile detention costs for placement in a facility on the same grounds as an <br />adult facility, policies and procedures must be developed to ensure compliance with the <br />requirements ofthe JJDP Act regarding "co-located" facilities. <br /> <br />E. Reporting <br /> <br />As stated in the previous sections, all county or multi-county facilities securely detaining <br />juveniles are currently required to submit for each juvenile, a Juvenile Detention Record (SFN <br />17080) or its electronic equivalent to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation <br />(Appendix A). The data collected will provide sufficient information to verify the number of <br />juveniles supervised and the length of supervision. Also required for reimbursement, as <br />referenced below, is a signed "SDSS Detention Criteria" form (Appendix D) indicating that the <br />juvenile meets at least one of the five eligibility criteria. <br /> <br />F. PaymentlReimbursement Schedule <br /> <br />Reimbursement of detention costs will be made directly to the detention facility or placing <br />county based on the schedule below. All ineligible or un-reimbursed costs will remain the <br />responsibility ofthe county or agency placing the juvenile as provided by State law. <br /> <br />The following items are those which are eligible for reimbursement under the SDSS Detention <br />component. Each item includes the percentage of the total cost that will be reimbursed by DJS <br />and the required documentation. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />Site RenovationlRemodeling - 50 Percent - With prior approval of DJS - Copies of all <br />receipts for purchases of materials and labor and verification of payment of the total cost. <br />Detention Per Diem - 50 Percent - Based on audited daily rates for up to 4 days or the <br />time the juvenile appears in court, whichever occurs first. - A SDSS Detention Criteria <br />form for each juvenile for which reimbursement is requested. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />The billing submitted to DJS for reimbursement may be in any format developed by the <br />detention facility or requesting county, however if the entity has no preference, the format <br />provided in Appendix C is suggested. <br /> <br />G. Audit of Detention Rates <br /> <br />Annually the administrator of the juvenile detention facility will submit a per diem rate for the <br />detention of juveniles. This rate should consist of all management, staff, training, and operating <br />costs. The rate shall be the basis for reimbursement for the following 12 months. This rate must <br />be the same rate charged to other jurisdictions that make placements in the facility and must be <br />applied in the same manner. Upon request, the administrator must also submit an analysis of the <br />facility's actual costs for the prior 12 months as justification of the established rate. <br /> <br />July 2008 - Page 10 <br />
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