2. Attendant Care program
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2. Attendant Care program
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<br />III. DETENTION COl\1PONENT <br /> <br />A. Definition <br /> <br />Detention is defined as the supervision of a juvenile in a physically secure setting in a manner <br />that meets all established State jail and detention standards. For the purpose of the SDSS <br />Program, detention reimbursements can be made for supervision in any facility that meets the <br />State standards and confonns to the federal definition of a Juvenile Detention Facility pursuant <br />to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act. <br /> <br />The federal definition recognizes any State licensed facility which is not located on the same <br />grounds as a facility used to detain adults; or, if located on the same grounds, the facility must <br />meet the following additional requirements: <br /> <br />1. Complete structural separation between juvenile and adult facility living areas. <br />2. Total separation in all juvenile and adult program activities within the facilities, <br />including recreation, education, counseling, health care, dining, sleeping, and general <br />living activities. This may be achieved by time phasing, however policies must ensure <br />that there could be no haphazard or accidental contact between juvenile and adult <br />residents in the respective facilities. <br />3. Separate juvenile and adult staff, including management, security staff, and direct care <br />staff such as recreation, education, and counseling. Specialized services staff such as <br />cooks, bookkeepers, and medical professionals who are not nonnally in contact with <br />detainees or whose infrequent contacts occur under conditions of separation of juveniles <br />and adults, can serve both. <br /> <br />B. Eligibility for Detention Reimbursement <br /> <br />Although State law allows the placement of juveniles accused of either status or delinquent <br />offenses into a juvenile detention facility, for the purposes of this Program, Detention can be <br />provided and reimbursement received for those juveniles that meet the SDSS detention criteria. <br />These criteria are detailed in Appendix D (SDSS Detention Criteria). <br /> <br />In general, Detention under SDSS is designed for those juveniles who are accused of having <br />committed a serious felony offense and would pose a danger to themselves or others if not <br />securely detained. In some if not all juvenile court jurisdictions, North Dakota Century Code <br />27-20 is interpreted to allow only the local juvenile court to approve the use of secure detention <br />for a juvenile. For the purpose of SDSS reimbursement for secure detention, either the state <br />juvenile court or an individual authorized by the state juvenile court must approve the detention. <br /> <br />C. Length of Placement <br /> <br />State Law and Supreme Court Rule indicates that a juvenile held in a secure facility will appear <br />in court within 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays. SDSS reimbursement for a <br />Detention placement will therefore be allowed until the detention hearing or for up to 96 hours of <br />care, whichever comes first. <br /> <br />July 2008 - Page 9 <br />
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