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<br />IV. TRANSPORTATION CO:MPONENT <br /> <br />A. Definition <br /> <br />For the purposes ofthe SDSS Program, the Transportation component is defined as the transport, <br />to or from Attendant Care or Detention, of a juvenile who has been identified as eligible for <br />SDSS reimbursement for placement in either of these supervision settings. <br /> <br />B. Eligibility for Transportation Reimbursement <br /> <br />A juvenile that has been determined eligible for either Attendant Care or Detention, as <br />established by these guidelines, is eligible for reimbursed transport to that supervision setting if <br />the setting is outside of the county placing the juvenile. Reimbursement would also be available <br />for transport from the site of supervision back to the law enforcement or juvenile court facility <br />for release, placement, hearing, or evaluation. The county whose sheriff is responsible for <br />transporting the juvenile is therefore eligible for the reimbursement detailed below. <br /> <br />Reimbursement under the SDSS Program will not be provided for transport of the juvenile to or <br />from locations or facilities that are not providing SDSS supported Attendant Care or Detention. <br />Reimbursement under the SDSS Program will not be provided for transport to for from <br />Attendant Care or Detention of juveniles which are ineligible for reimbursement of their <br />placement costs. Reimbursement under the SDSS Program will not be provided for the transport <br />of juveniles either to or from locations outside of the State of North Dakota. <br /> <br />C. Transportation Operating Procedures <br /> <br />The existing operating policies and procedures of the sheriffs department, which pertain to the <br />transport of juveniles, will apply to transport under the SDSS Program. If a county has not <br />developed operating policies and procedures for transportation, it is required that they do so prior <br />to requesting reimbursement. <br /> <br />D. Reporting <br /> <br />As stated in the previous section, all county or multi-county facilities securely detaining <br />juveniles are currently required to submit Juvenile Detention Records (SFN 17080) or its <br />electronic equivalent to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Appendix A). A <br />reference number (i.e. detention tracking number) identifying the specific placement must be <br />submitted with the county's request for transportation reimbursement. <br /> <br />E. Payment/Reimbursement Schedule <br /> <br />Reimbursement of transportation costs will be made directly to the county or sheriffs department <br />and will be based on the schedule below. All un-reimbursed costs will remain the responsibility <br />of the county as provided by State law. This reimbursement is distinctly separate from the <br />reimbursement allowed by NDCC 27-20-49 for the transportation of a child in the legal custody <br />of a state agency. <br /> <br />July 2008 - Page 11 <br />