County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-May 19, 2008 3359 <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner suggested this issue be discussed at a future Road Advisory Committee <br />meeting and Mr. Pawluk suggested the Sheriffs Department be invited to provide input. <br /> <br />8. BUDGET CALENDAR FOR 2009, Discussed <br />Mr. Montplaisir said the 2009 budget calendar distributed to the board uses the same <br />schedule as last year. August 1st is the deadline for departments to submit their budgets <br />and final approval of the budget must be completed by the first meeting in October. He said <br />the taxable valuation of the county will increase by 3.74%, compared to around 9% in <br />previous years. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk does not want to raise the mill levy rate and feels it is not unreasonable to <br />maintain the same budget levels as last year and hold the line on increases. He discussed <br />revenue sources and suggested fees not set by state law be reviewed to generate <br />additional revenue for the county. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner believes the county has been good stewards with taxpayer dollars and <br />suggested departments work within the percentage of taxable valuation increase. Mr. <br />Montplaisir said the valuation accounts for 50% of revenues with the remainder generated <br />through state and federal dollars. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo is not opposed to taking a different approach during the budget process. He said <br />parameters would need to be set in order for departments to understand commission <br />expectations. He is willing to ask departments to submit budgets at the same level as last <br />year and include a list of additional items for consideration. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett said departments need to identify their needs versus their wants, but believes <br />department heads should be allowed to submit future goals to the commission. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir suggested a letter be included with the budget manual to address the <br />concerns of the upcoming budget year. Mr. Pawluk said he will work with the auditor to draft <br />a letter. <br /> <br />9. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve Voucher No. <br />226,485 through Voucher No. 226,910. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />10. ANNEX PLUMBING REPAIRS; LEGISLATIVE HEARING; YOUTH COMMISSION EVENT; <br />PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION HEARING, Committee reports <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Administrator, said a section of cast iron pipe was replaced <br />between the Annex basement kitchen and mechanical area earlier this month. She said a <br />section still needs to be replaced between the large conference room and the mechanical <br />area and received an estimate of $11,830 for the repair. She said if sufficient funds are <br />available in this year's budget, she will schedule the repair over the Veteran's Day holiday. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson plans to attend a legislative hearing scheduled for June 11, 2008, on merit <br />system amendments and with commission authorization, will provide testimony. <br />
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