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11/20/2007 9:14:25 AM
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<br />Commission Minutes-November 5, 2007 3284 <br /> <br />8. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Access points on Cass County Hiahway 15 bike path <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, said the commission received correspondence from a <br />citizen to discuss concerns about a future industrial development to the south of Kindred <br />and a request to prohibit additional accesses on Cass County Highway 15 that would <br />require road crossings over an existing bike path. Mr. Berndt was contacted by the Kindred <br />City Auditor earlier this year questioning the number of allowable access points onto <br />Highway 15 on a mile of road between Sheyenne Street and State Highway 46. Mr. Berndt <br />suggested up to two additional accesses be permitted along the one mile stretch which he <br />believes will provide safe traffic operations and reasonable access to the adjacent property. <br /> <br />Vern Williams, resident of Kindred, provided copies of petitions that were circulated in <br />Kindred and the surrounding rural area, asking additional road crossings over the bike and <br />walking path that runs parallel to Cass County Highway 15 be prohibited. He suggested <br />use of north and south frontage roads to access properties. <br /> <br />Bob Clarke, Kindred City Mayor, said a frontage road to the south is not possible unless <br />access is allowed onto Cass County Highway 15. He said an alternate bike path is <br />available for citizens to use. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk said while he understands the safety concerns, he believes this is a city issue <br />and feels the city is obligated to provide safe road crossings. <br /> <br />9. ROAD DEPARTMENT, ReQuest denied to purchase land in Raymond Township to <br />reduce culvert erosion <br />Mr. Berndt said in 1995 the commission authorized the county engineer to provide short- <br />term repairs to a township bridge located between Sections 7-18, Reed Township. In 2001, <br />a decision was made to close the bridge due to its failing condition. Reed Township <br />improved and raised 1 % miles of the road to provide an alternate route to four residences <br />and as part of the improvement project, the township installed some culverts they received <br />from the county for a minimal cost. In 2006, flooding occurred and water flowing through the <br />culverts appears to have caused considerable erosion on three acres of farm land in <br />Raymond Township. He is requesting the county purchase the three acres of land to be <br />maintained as deep rooted prairie grass to minimize future erosion. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked if the county designed or provided consultation on the placement of the <br />culverts. Mr. Berndt said the township installed them and did not consult with his office. Mr. <br />Wagner asked if the township is willing to participate in the purchase of the land. Mr. Berndt <br />said the township is not convinced the same erosion would have occurred if the road had <br />not been raised and culverts not installed. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo empathizes with the situation; however, he is concerned with setting a precedent <br />if the request is approved. Mr. Pawluk owns property near the area in question and said <br />during flood events, water flowed naturally over the road before the bridge was closed, the <br />road was raised and culverts were installed. Mr. Pawluk feels the county needs to accept <br />responsibility for the erosion. <br /> <br />Jake Gust was present and is representing his sister, who owns a 60 acre parcel in the <br />area. He said another solution to the problem would be to remove the culverts and lower <br />the road; however, this would adversely affect other property owners upstream. <br />
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