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June 16, 2022 <br />86 <br /> <br />(cc) Reduction in Parking Space Requirements for Shared Parking. Where shared parking is <br />provided among a mix of land uses, the Commission may allow the following, at the <br />applicant’s request: <br />1. Up to thirty (30) percent of the parking spaces required for the predominant use on a site <br />may be shared with other uses operating during the same time of day and days of the week. <br />The predominant use is considered to be that which requires the most parking of those <br />sharing the parking facilities. <br />2. Up to seventy-five (75) percent of the parking spaces required for uses such as theaters, <br />public auditoriums, bowling alleys, nightclubs, movie theaters, and similar predominantly <br />evening uses may be shared with uses such as banks, offices, and similar predominantly <br />daytime uses. <br />3. Up to seventy-five (75) of the parking spaces required for uses such as churches and other <br />uses exclusively in operation during the weekend may be shared with uses such as medical <br />offices, banks, and other similar uses predominantly in operation on weekdays. <br />(dd) Bicycle Parking Facilities. Bicycle parking facilities for non-residential land uses shall be <br />provided in accordance with the following regulations: <br />1. Five (5) percent of the first fifty (50) vehicular spaces shall be for bicycle use. If more than <br />fifty (50) spaces are to be provided, at least three (3) percent of the number of spaces over <br />fifty (50) shall be for bicycle use. <br />2. Each bicycle space shall be equipped with a device to which a bicycle frame and one (1) <br />wheel can be attached using a chain or cable. There shall be adequate separation between <br />adjacent devices to allow bicycles to be attached or removed without moving other bicycles. <br />The devices shall also be suitable for use by bicycles not equipped with kickstands and the <br />appearance of the device shall be generally consistent with nearby urban design and <br />architectural features. <br />3. Bicycle parking spaces shall be convenient to the structure for which they are provided. <br />They shall be visible from at least one (1) entrance to the structure and shall be provided <br />with lighting. <br />4. Bicycle parking devices shall permit at least two (2) feet of free space between any bicycle <br />attached to the device and the edge of the curb or sidewalk. For areas where motor vehicles <br />are permitted to park overhanging the curb or sidewalk, the distance shall be increased to <br />four (4) feet. For roads involving no curb or sidewalk, the minimum clearance shall be three <br />(3) feet between any bicycle attached to a parking device and the outside edge of the <br />roadway shoulder. <br />(ee) Pedestrian Access Design Standards. Provisions for safe and convenient pedestrian access <br />shall be incorporated into landscaping plans for parking areas. <br />1. Potential conflict areas points between pedestrians, bicycles and motor vehicles shall be <br />minimized. <br />2. Safe separated walkways with safe, well-articulated pedestrian crossings demarcated with <br />pavement markings shall be provided and designed to accommodate individuals per <br />Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.