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June 16, 2022 <br />87 <br /> <br />(ff) Floodplain. All proposed developments, except those in townships with adopted <br />floodplain management regulations, shall be built pursuant to the Cass County Flood <br />Damage Ordinance #1998-2, as it presently exists or may hereafter be amended. <br />(gg) Blocks and Lots. The configuration of blocks and lots shall be based upon the minimum <br />lot area requirements, the salient natural features, the existing improvements, the <br />proposed improvements and the adjacent development pattern. Lot configurations <br />should provide for flexibility in building locations, while providing safe vehicular and <br />pedestrian circulation. Lots with areas that are two (2) or more times the typical urban <br />lot may be required to be designed with configurations allowing for additional <br />subdivision. <br />1. For Residential Blocks, in general, intersecting streets and roads, determining block lengths, <br />shall be provided at such intervals as will serve cross traffic adequately and to meet existing <br />streets and roads. Where no existing plats control, the blocks in subdivisions shall normally <br />not exceed thirteen hundred and twenty (1,320) in length, except where topography or <br />other conditions justify departure from this maximum. <br />2. The design of residential blocks longer than eight hundred (800) feet shall give special <br />consideration to the requirements of fire protection, pedestrian access and utility service. <br />The Planning Commission may require easements as necessary for these purposes. <br />3. Blocks in nonresidential areas may vary from the above-listed residential block requirements <br />when required by the nature of the use. Adequate provisions shall be made for off-street <br />parking, loading areas and traffic circulation. <br />(hh) Specific Lot Configurations <br />1. In order to avoid jurisdictional problems, lot lines shall, wherever feasible, follow municipal <br />boundaries rather than cross them. Where a lot is divided by a municipal boundary, the <br />minimum standards of both municipalities shall apply. <br />2. Generally, side lot lines shall be radial to street right-of-way lines. Exceptions may include <br />cases where proposed lot lines follow existing lot lines, improvements, or natural features. <br />3. All lots shall front on a public street, unless a private street is approved for access pursuant <br />to Section 6.05 (b) of this Ordinance. Principal vehicular access to lots shall be provided from <br />the frontage along the approved street. <br />4. Lots resulting from a proposed subdivision that will be large enough to be further <br />subdivided shall be configured to facilitate such future subdivision, when deemed necessary <br />by the Planning Commission. Adequate street right-of-way shall be provided as necessary. <br />The Planning Commission may require a sketch plan of such large lots that indicates the <br />potential future subdivision generally in conformance with the design standards of this <br />Ordinance. The Planning Commission may also require restrictive covenants be recorded <br />with the plat restricting homes to a specified area within each parcel to allow for easier <br />future subdividing of lots. <br />5. Subdivisions shall be designed to accommodate the current and future development of the <br />tract being subdivided, the development potential of adjacent lands, the development goals <br />and policies of the applicable comprehensive plans and applicable standards of the zoning <br />ordinance. Whenever possible, lots shall be designed with adequate access by providing the <br />required lot width at the street right of way line.