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June 16, 2022 <br />112 <br /> <br />(d) Ground Cover. Ground cover shall be provided on all areas of the project to prevent soil <br />erosion. All areas which are not covered by paving, stone, or other solid material shall be <br />protected with a suitable ground cover, consisting of turf grass. Areas within the <br />watercourse and vegetation zone setbacks shall have ground cover consistent with the <br />requirements set forth in this Ordinance. <br />(e) Top Soil Preservation. Top soil moved during construction shall be redistributed on all <br />regarded unimproved surfaces so as to provide at least four (4) inches of even cover to all <br />disturbed areas of the development and the amount of top soil moved shall be <br />minimized. <br />(f) Removal of debris. All stumps and other tree parts, litter, brush, weeds, excess or scrap <br />building materials or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in <br />accordance with the law. No tree stumps, or portions of tree stumps or limbs shall be <br />buried anywhere in the development. All dead or dying trees, standing or fallen, shall be <br />removed from the site. If trees are reduced to chips, they may be used as mulch in <br />landscaped areas. <br />Section 6.09 Sanitary Wastewater Treatment and Water Supply <br />(a) Sanitary Wastewater Treatment. The applicant shall provide the highest type of sanitary <br />wastewater treatment facility consistent with existing physical, geographical, geological <br />and economic conditions. The following types of sanitary sewage wastewater treatment <br />facilities are listed in order of desirability: <br />1. Publicly owned sanitary wastewater treatment system. <br />2. Privately owned sanitary wastewater treatment system used by one unit of occupancy with <br />subsurface absorption. <br />3. Privately owned sanitary wastewater treatment system used by two (2) or more units of <br />occupancy with treatment other than subsurface absorption or holding tank which is owned <br />by a single individual. <br />4. Privately owned subsurface absorption or drainage fields used by two (2) or more units of <br />occupancy. <br />5. A municipal sewage facility having sufficient capacity for the proposed development shall be <br />considered accessible and shall require connection if the closest property line of the <br />proposed subdivision is within the following distances, at the discretion of the Planning <br />Commission these distances may be increased: <br /> Subdivisions with thirteen (13) or more buildable lots shall connect to a municipal sanitary <br />sewer system. Subdivisions with proposed commercial or industrial developments shall <br />connect to a municipal sanitary sewer system, unless the applicant can demonstrate the <br />commercial or industrial development is a minimum water usage site and obtains a