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June 16, 2022 <br />111 <br /> <br />e. All planting shall be performed in conformance with good nursery and landscape <br />practices and shall not be planted within four (4) feet of a curb or parking stop. The <br />planting areas shall be loosened to a depth of the root ball or rooting system and <br />the width of three (3) times the root ball and preferably five (5) times the root ball <br />when practical. <br />f. Requirements for the measurements, branching, grading, quality, balling and the <br />burlapping of trees shall follow tphe code of standards recommended by the <br />American Association of Nurserymen, Inc., in the American Standard for Nursery <br />Stock, ANSIZ60, current edition, as amended. <br />g. A minimum of one (1) canopy street trees shall be provided for every thirty five (35) <br />linear feet of street frontage, street trees need not be placed exactly at thirty five <br />(35) foot intervals, but shall be placed fairly evenly along the street frontage. <br />Organic mulch (wood chips) shall be installed to a minimum coverage of two (2) <br />inches around street tree plantings within a radius of three (3) feet of the trunk <br />base. Street trees shall be located so as to maximize the growth potential of the <br />plant material, minimize the potential for root interference with public <br />infrastructure and enhance the quality of the development. Street trees shall be one <br />of the species listed in Table 11. Appropriate Trees for Cass County. <br /> Other tree species may be used, provided acceptable information is submitted to <br />indicate that the species are hardy street trees with a maturing height of thirty-five <br />(35) feet or greater; fast growing, short lived trees shall not be permitted. Smaller <br />trees, approved by the Planning Commission, will be permitted in areas with existing <br />overhead utilities. No one species shall comprise more than twenty- five (25) <br />percent of the entire number of street trees in a particular development. <br />h. Street trees are to be maintained and guaranteed for a minimum of two years. <br />Planting of trees shall occur within the standard planting season (May through <br />November) and shall not be planted prior to the construction of the streets, curbs, <br />sidewalks and drainage improvements. Acceptable stock will not have more than <br />one-third (1/3) of the tree canopy damaged or dead without replacement. <br />Replacement trees shall conform to all requirements of this section and shall be <br />maintained and guaranteed for a minimum of two planting seasons.