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June 16, 2022 <br />110 <br /> <br />c. The buffer shall be designed to the standards for a snow fence using the North <br />Dakota NRCS Design and Installation Guide: Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment- <br />380. <br />d. Trees and shrubs are to be maintained and guaranteed for a minimum of two years. <br />Planting of trees shall occur within the standard planting season (May through <br />November) and shall not be planted prior to the construction of drainage <br />improvements or other improvements within the vicinity of the buffer. Acceptable <br />stock will not have more than one- third (1/3) of the tree canopy damaged or dead <br />without replacement. Replacement trees shall conform to all requirements of this <br />section and shall be maintained and guaranteed for a minimum of two planting <br />seasons. <br />e. Setback distances shall be designed on a site specific basis. <br />f. No trees shall be placed within utility easement areas. <br />g. Vegetation and plant material existing on site prior to development may be used to <br />satisfy the landscaping standards of this section, provided that it meets all size, <br />variety and locational requirements of this section. <br />h. Landscaping provided to meet the buffer planting requirements of this section shall <br />not be counted towards meeting a subdivision’s open space or park dedication <br />requirements of this Ordinance. <br />2. Service loading and trash disposal areas such as dumpster or compactor sites shall be <br />effectively screened so as not to be visible from parking areas, roadways, or adjacent <br />properties. Such areas shall be screened with a combination of architectural masonry (or <br />fencing) and landscaping with a height of at least six (6) feet. <br />(b) Existing Wooded Areas. <br />1. Existing wooded areas shall be protected to prevent unnecessary destruction. It is <br />recommended, at least twenty-five (25) percent of the number of trees (minimum trunk <br />caliper of five (5) inches at six (6) inches above ground) that exist at the time of Plan <br />submission shall be maintained or replaced immediately following construction. <br />(c) Street Trees. <br />1. Street trees shall be provided in all residential major subdivisions and all commercial and <br />industrial subdivisions utilizing curb and gutter streets. Street trees may be required by the <br />Planning Commission in other developments upon request of the municipality. All street <br />trees shall be provided by the applicant in accordance with the following standards: <br />a. The trees shall be nursery grown in a climate similar to that of the locality of the <br />project. <br />b. All trees shall have a normal habit of growth and shall be sound, healthy and <br />vigorous; they shall be free from disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. <br />c. The trunk diameter, measured at a height of six (6) inches above finish grade, shall <br />be a minimum of two (2) inches. <br />d. Trees shall be planted within the street right-of-way. The trees’ growth shall not <br />interfere with the street roadway, sidewalk, or utility lines. Street tree branching <br />shall not interfere with clear sight triangles. Typical branching shall not be within ten <br />(10) feet of ground level after ten (10) years of growth.