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22 <br /> <br />112. Right-of Way. The total width of any land reserved or dedicated for public use to be <br />occupied by a street, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water <br />main, sanitary or storm sewer main, legal drains, flood diversion structures, flood diversion <br />channels, shade trees, or for other special use. <br />Road. The surface of a street, drive, or alley available for vehicular traffic. (See also street) <br />113. Runoff. The surface water discharge and rate of discharge of a given watershed after a full <br />rain or snow that does not enter the soil but runs off the surface of the land. <br />114. Sedimentation. The process by which soil or other surface material is accumulated or <br />deposited by wind, water, or gravity. <br />115. Sending Property. A parcel that transfers its development right to a contiguous or eligible <br />property under common ownership (see Receiving Property) as specified in Section 308 of <br />this Ordinance. <br />116. Service Street. See Street, Alley (Service Street). <br />117. Setback Line. See Building Setback Line. <br />118. Shared Parking. When parking spaces are shared among different structures or uses or <br />among mixed uses and can include properties with different owners. <br />119. Shared Trips. Vehicle trips entering and exiting the site which were using the facility on the <br />adjacent streets and therefore did not generate new trips on the road. <br />120. Shopping Center. An area that is comprised of three (3) or more commercial establishments, <br />the purpose of which is primarily retail sales, that has a combined gross floor area of twenty <br />thousand (20,000) square feet or more, that is owned or managed as a unit. <br />121. Sight Distance. The length of road visible to the driver of a vehicle at any given point in the <br />road when viewing is unobstructed by traffic. <br />122. Site. The existing lot of record proposed for a subdivision. <br />123. Solid Waste. Any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply <br />treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded material, including solid, <br />liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, <br />mining, and agricultural operations and from community activities. The term does not <br />include: <br />a. Agricultural waste, including manures and crop residues, returned to the soil as <br />fertilizer or soil conditioners; or <br />b. Solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved material in <br />irrigation return flows or industrial discharges that are point sources subject to <br />permits under Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended <br />[Pub. L. 92-500; 86 Stat. 816; 33. <br />c. U.S.C. 1251 et seq.], or source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by <br />the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended [68 Stat. 919; 42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.]. <br />124. Staff. The Cass County Planning and Highway Department staff. <br />125. Steep Slope. Lands having average slopes with a horizontal to vertical change of 11:1 (or <br />steeper), slope to rise ratio, as measured over horizontal distances of fifty (50) feet or more. <br />126. Storm Water Management Data. The plan information, designed in accordance with Section <br />607 and 608 of this Ordinance, which identifies design and construction details for managing <br />the quantity and quality of storm water runoff.