County Commission
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8/31/2007 10:27:38 AM
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<br />Commission Minutes-February 20,2007 3176 <br /> <br />6. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Storm water pollution prevention plan/annual public meeting <br />Mike Zimney, County Planner, said a copy of the 2006 Permit Year Annual Report was <br />provided prior to today's meeting regarding the Cass County Storm Water Pollution <br />Prevention Plan. <br /> <br />He said the county commission is required to hold a public input meeting annually, in <br />addition to submitting this report. A notice was published in the official county newspaper <br />indicating this is the time and date for public input on the program. Mr. Zimney said he did <br />not receive any comments on the plan prior to today's meeting. He said the biggest <br />change from last year is the new subdivision ordinance which establishes construction <br />regulations that require an erosion and sedimentation plan be submitted by major <br />subdivisions. The 2007 plan is in the process of being drafted and will address post- <br />construction regulations. <br /> <br />The chairman opened the public hearing and invited comments from the audience. <br />Hearing none, the public hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett left the meeting at this time. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to receive the annual <br />report on Cass County's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. <br />Discussion: Mr. Pawluk questioned how the changes in the plan will <br />affect businesses. Mr. Zimney said a plan would need to be developed <br />that addresses storm water sedimentation. The county's regulations <br />use the North Dakota Department of Transportation guidelines and the <br />City of Fargo and City of West Fargo have similar regulations. On roll <br />call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />7. COMMISSION POLICY MANUAL, Section 9.35. County Highwavs within Annexed <br />Cities adopted <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, presented a draft policy as revised and adopted by the <br />Road Advisory Committee in November of last year to address county highways within <br />annexed cities. The proposed policy addresses cities with populations over 5,000 <br />differently than those under 5,000. The reason for the distinction is because North Dakota <br />cities with populations above 5,000 are eligible to receive direct allocations of federal <br />highway funds, unlike cities below 5,000. Also, the distribution formula in state statute for <br />allocating the gas tax and license fee revenue is different for cities larger than 5,000. <br />Under the new policy, county highways in cities with populations over 5,000 would be <br />targeted to be turned over to cities within two years of annexation of the majority of land on <br />both sides of the highway. County highways through cities with populations less than <br />5,000 will remain on the county system and Cass County will fund maintenance and <br />improvements but would anticipate cost sharing for enhancements such as sidewalks, <br />curbing and storm sewers. He has not received any objections or concerns from Fargo or <br />West Fargo and both are aware of the existing roads that will be affected by this new <br />policy. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk asked if the county highways will lose the ability to function effectively once <br />they are turned over to cities due to installation of stoplights, additional access points and <br />lower speed limits. <br />
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