County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-December 18,2006 3157 <br /> <br />8. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Retirement of county narcotics K-9 <br />Captain Rick Majerus was present to discuss the retirement of the county narcotics K-Q <br />Bailey. Detective Mitch Burris and K-9 Bailey were also present. Captain Majerus said the <br />dog has worked for the sheriff's department five years and has been responsible for <br />$30,000 in asset seizures. Bailey has severe environmental allergies and has developed a <br />thyroid problem. She is still willing to work, but as she ages the recovery time after a search <br />has increased. Mr. Majerus said if Bailey is to have a quality life after law enforcement, she <br />needs to retire. <br /> <br />Commissioners asked about the future of the narcotics program. Mr. Majerus said the <br />department is unsure if they will replace Bailey with another K-9. The department has <br />access to other search and rescue animals, if needed. Mr. Burris said he is the only trainer <br />Bailey has known and he is willing to provide a home for her. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to approve the retirement <br />of the county narcotics K-9 Bailey; allow Detective Mitch Burris to <br />purchase the dog for $1.00; and have Bailey officially removed as <br />property of Cass County, including care and medical responsibilities of <br />the animal. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />9. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, Authorize chairman to sign <br />Resolution #2006-16. Metro Transit Plan for 2007-2011 <br />Wade Kline, Community Development Planner for Metropolitan Council of Governments <br />(Metro COG), was present to discuss the 2007-2011 Metro Transit Plan. He said the county <br />focus is on the human and social service transportation system. A new federal law requires <br />non-department of transportation funded programs to be included in the plan and a large <br />portion of the programs involve county and state government which directly impacts the <br />operation of municipal and urban transit systems. Mr. Kline said using the Metro Area <br />Transit (MAT) Para-transit system as the primary transportation provider for human service <br />programs and medical assistance rides without full cost allocation is financially straining the <br />Metro Area Transit. He discussed two options to help provide a more efficient transportation <br />program. The first option involves expansion of the para-transit system through full cost <br />allocation from contracted human service providers and to pursue federal funding through <br />matching revenues of service contracts. The second option involves use of current human <br />service funds and to pursue federal funding to create a streamlined system. Mr. Kline also <br />discussed joint maintenance and storage of vehicles owned by county providers and how <br />this would benefit the multiple service agencies that transport specialized groups. <br /> <br />Mr. Kline said in order to change the way funds are used for client transportation, local and <br />state human service agency representatives as well as elected officials need to become <br />involved in the process and he said the Metropolitan Transportation Initiative, a <br />subcommittee of the Metro COG board, will continue to meet and assist in securing funds <br />for transportation resources. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to authorize the chairman to <br />sign Resolution #2006-16, Metro Transit Plan for 2007-2011 as presented <br />by the Metropolitan Council of Governments. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />
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