a. Emergency operations plan amended
County Commission
Consent agenda
a. Emergency operations plan amended
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10/31/2006 9:38:07 AM
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10/31/2006 9:33:02 AM
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<br />. NDANG will follow appropriate procedures when assisting civil authorities. Procedures <br />can be found in Air Force Instruction 10-802. Afili/my 5,'upporllo Civil Authorities and is <br />available on the FDPO web site: http://afpubs.hq.afmil and the North Dakota National <br />Guard Pamphlet (AF) 55-5. and in the North Dakota National Guard Emergency <br />Operations Plan (AR) 500-1. <br /> <br />. A list of resources available through NDNG is available through Cass County Emergency <br />Management. <br /> <br />Plan Assumptions <br /> <br />Proper implementation of this plan will reduce or prevent loss of life. damage to property and the <br />environment. Key officials within Cass County are aware of the possible occurrence of any <br />emergency or major disaster and their responsibilities in the execution of this plan. <br /> <br />A. The Cass County Commission has overall statutory responsibility for the continued use, <br />development and maintenance of this plan. Delegation of responsibilities to department <br />heads does not abrogate the authority of heads oflocal governments to make necessary <br />decisions or changes to the plan for the protection of life, property and the environment. <br /> <br />B. The contents of this plan must be known and understood by those people responsible for its <br />implementation. The emergency manager is responsible for brieting personnel and county <br />officials concerning their role in emergency management and the contents of this plan in <br />particular. <br /> <br />C. The plan shall incorporate the use ofleS, allowing flexibility for response to a variety of <br />emergencIes: <br /> <br />D. Department heads are responsible t(Jr development and maintenance of their respective <br />functions and tasks in this plan. <br /> <br />E. In addition. each functional coordinator and task coordinator must maintain supporting <br />(Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) describing how functions/tasks will be accomplished <br />or implemented. SOPs are located at appropriate functional facility locations and will be <br />updated yearly by the appropriate coordinator. <br /> <br />F. An annual review of this plan will be conducted by all officials involved in its execution. <br />The emergency manager will coordinate this review and any revision and distribution found <br />necessary. <br /> <br />G. The plan will be tested at least once a year in the 10rm of a simulated emergency exercise in <br />order to provide practical. controlled experience to functional coordinators and task <br />coordinators responsible for plan maintenance and response. This will be the responsibility <br />of the Cass County Emergency Manager to coordinate such activity. <br /> <br />7 <br />
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