a. Emergency operations plan amended
County Commission
Consent agenda
a. Emergency operations plan amended
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<br />Declaration Statement <br /> <br />Government at all levels has the responsibility for the protection oflife. property and the <br />environment from hazards, which are known to threaten the jurisdiction. Therefore: by the <br />authority of the Cass County Commission, we do hereby order that the Cass County Emergency <br />Operations Plan be put into effect and be disseminated to all appropriate entities in the county. <br />The plan assigns tasks and responsibilities to county and Cass County agencies and establishes a <br />broad concept for conducting preparedness, response and recovery efforts if an emergency or <br />disaster threatens or occurs. <br /> <br />Purpose of the Plan <br /> <br />The purpose of the Emergency Operations Plan for Cass ('ounty is: <br />. To define the responsibilities of departments of Cass County Government and appropriate <br />private entities: and <br />. To ensure a coordinated effort using the Incident Command System (ICS) by local, state, and <br />federal government, as well as private response forces, to save lives and to protect property <br />and the environment in the event of an emergency or disaster: and <br />. To facilitate short-term and long-term recovery activities. <br /> <br />State of Emergency Declarations - North Dakota Century Code 37-) 7.1-10 <br /> <br />. A local disaster or emergency may be declared only by the principal executive onicer of the <br />county. <br /> <br />. A declaration may be executed for occurrence of widespread or severe damage, injury, or <br />loss of life or property resulting from any natural or manmade cause including fire, flood. <br />earthquake. server high and low temperatures, tornado storm. oil spill, or other water or air <br />contamination, epidemic, blight, drought. infestation, explosion or riot. <br /> <br />. It may not be continued or rene\ved for a period in excess of seven days except by or with the <br />consent of the County Commission. <br /> <br />. Any order or proclamation declaring a local disaster or emergency must be given prompt and <br />general publicity and must be filed promptly with the county auditor. <br /> <br />. The effect of a declaration of a local disaster or emergency is to activate the response and <br />recovery aspects of any and all applicable local disaster or emergency operational plans and <br />to authorize the furnishing of aid and assistance. <br /> <br />Assistance from North Dakota National Guard (Air & Army) <br /> <br />. To notify the North Dakota National Guard (NDNG) that their assistance is needed, <br />County Onicials need to notifY North Dakota's REACT officer (800-472-2121) and <br />request NDNG's assistance. REACT will then go through procedures to alert NDNG. <br />County officials should then notify Cass County Emergency Management to let them <br />know of the request. <br /> <br />6 <br />
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