a. Emergency operations plan amended
County Commission
Consent agenda
a. Emergency operations plan amended
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10/31/2006 9:38:07 AM
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10/31/2006 9:33:02 AM
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<br />. National Weather Radio. The National Weather Service provides automated, <br />advanced weather information for Cass County. Weather radios should be utilized in <br />all public buildings and all residences in Cass County. <br />. Emergency Alert System: The EAS system is the national public warning system <br />characterized by the harsh alert tones heard on radio and television stations along <br />\vith recorded messages providing \varnings about local. state or national emergency <br />situations. Locally, EAS alerts are provided through the West Fargo Police <br />Department Dispatch Center. <br />. CodeRED: Cass County has access to an automated, phone message system that <br />allO\vs public safety personnel to activate emergency phone calls for selected <br />geographical phone users or cell phones within portions of or all ofCass County. <br />. Law Enforcement I Fire PA systems: As a last resort, public safety personnel will <br />physically use their vehiele public address systems to notify Cass County residents of <br />emergency situations. <br /> <br />L. Mutual Aid Agreements NDCC 37-17.1-24,25 (see Volume 11.2) <br />Mutual Aid Agreements are required in disaster situations tor any federal reimbursement <br />10r expenses incurred in providing or requesting services from other governmental <br />agencies. Cass County will utilize the 10rmat tor mutual aid agreements proscribed in <br />state statute. Agreements will be sought from counties whose borders adjoin Cass <br />County or agencies whom Cass County relies on to provide assistance during emergency <br />situations. <br />Existing agreements will be maintained in the ot1ice of Cass County Emergency <br />Management or in the offices of the respective Emergency Response Departments. It <br />is the responsibility of the originator of the agreement to revievv and update the <br />agreement on an "as needed" basis. <br /> <br />M. Volunteer Operations (see Volume 11.3) <br />During a disaster situation, there is often a need tor volunteers \vithin Cass County. To <br />lessen confusion and keep organization, volunteer operations will be established <br />through First Link's existing Volunteer Center. <br /> <br />N. Shelter in Place (see Volume 11.4) <br />Based on circumstances, Incident Command will issue a \varning to shelter-in-place or <br />initiate an evacuation as described in the 10llowing evacuation plan. <br /> <br />Shelter-in-place should be used in the event there is a hazardous materials emergency (spill, <br />leak, etc.). Shelter-in-place should be used when there is not enough time to evacuate the <br />area prior to dangerous exposure to the hazard. <br /> <br />O. Evacuation (see Volume 11.5) <br />Cass County will strive to ensure the safe and orderly evacuation of residents who are <br />threatened by hazards. The need to evacuate citizens from portions of Cass County may arisc <br />in a number of varying situations. Hazardous material releases, plane crashes, terrorist <br />activities, and civil disorder may require the evacuation of an area. Likewise Hooding may <br />require the evacuation of very small or large area. Portions of this plan may also be of use <br />during large weather events such as tornadoes. tlooding, and power outages during severe <br />weather. <br /> <br />13 <br />
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