a. Emergency operations plan amended
County Commission
Consent agenda
a. Emergency operations plan amended
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10/31/2006 9:38:07 AM
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10/31/2006 9:33:02 AM
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<br />The Sheritrs Department or a rural fire department may have the need to evacuate all or part <br />of a small number of buildings during smaller emergency incidents. Both departments are <br />tasked \\.ith use of their discretion and these types of incidents do not come under the scope <br />of this plan. <br /> <br />In the event of an emergency or disaster resulting in the need to evacuate people and/or <br />pets/animals/livestock the Cass County Commission Chair has the final authority on all <br />decisions, including evacuations. When the Commission Chair is unavailable, the Chair may <br />delegate this authority to another as identified in the EOP. <br /> <br />It is understood that in some situations an Incident Commander (Ie) from a Rural Fire <br />Department. the Sheriffs Department or Public Health may initiate emergency operations, <br />such as an evacuation. However. priority will be given to the notification by the Commission <br />Chair. the appropriate Commissioners, the County Administrator. and appropriate <br />Department Heads. <br /> <br />P. Special Needs Population (see Volume 11.6) <br />Special needs populations in Cass County include. but are not limited to the elderly, <br />children, and those with developmental disabilities. Special needs may also include visually <br />impaired, hearing impaired; citizens \vith speech and/or language impediments. emotional <br />disorders, multiple disorders and religious or cultural diversity. <br /> <br />Q. Functional and Task Coordinators <br />Significant responsibilities common to emergencies and disasters are grouped into ten areas, <br />which are termed functions. The departments having responsibility by law or day-to-day <br />resource and operational capability within each of these functions are identitied and assigned <br />by specific task/responsibility, and are listed on subsequent pages. <br /> <br />Any county or Cass County agency or department may be assigned an emergency mission. <br />The supervisor of each department is responsible fc)r the accomplishment of an assigned task <br />or function through the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) located at <br />their facility. Assignment of functions and tasks are listed by functional area. In addition, <br />each department is assigned the f()llowing general tasks: <br /> <br />. Provide personnel, equipment, and tacilities on a 24-hour basis. <br />. Plan and provide for the safety of employees and protection (If public property in the <br />event of an emergency. <br />. Coordinate actions with the County Emergency Manager and with departments having <br />related tasks. <br />. Train personnel assigned to emergency tasks and participate in exercises to test <br />emergency plans and procedures. <br />. Provide for record keeping and documentation of the emergenc) and actions taken. <br />. Prepare damage assessments. <br /> <br />14 <br />
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