County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-October 16, 2006 3139 <br /> <br />10. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Authorize chairman to si~n ~rant application for City of <br />Mapleton multi-use path <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, was present. He was approached by the City of Mapleton <br />about bicycle and pedestrian safety concerns along Cass County Highway 11. The city <br />would like the county to construct a multi-use path from city hall south to 1-94. Mr. Berndt is <br />requesting the county apply for transportation enhancement grant funding in the amount of <br />$160,000 and that the county split the 50% local construction cost match with the city and <br />the county pay for administrative and engineering costs. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt said the path would be approximately 3,500 feet in length and would cost about <br />$200,000 to build. The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) accepts <br />applications of this type once a year and the deadline is November 9th. If the county <br />receives a grant, 80% of the construction costs will be covered. The project would be <br />completed in 2008. NDDOT rules allow only counties or cities with populations of over <br />5,000 to apply for the funding; therefore, the county must be the sponsor because Mapleton <br />does not meet the population criteria. Mr. Berndt said the county has provided assistance <br />and shared in costs for similar projects with Kindred, Casselton, Fargo and Briarwood. <br /> <br />Jeff Shirley, Mapleton City Mayor, was present. He said the city appreciates the assistance <br />of the county engineer to help encourage better safety for their residents and the city is <br />prepared to work with the 10% match to help cover costs of the trail. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to authorize the chairman <br />to sign a transportation enhancement grant application for a multi-use <br />path adjacent to Cass County Highway 11 in the City of Mapleton, with an <br />estimated construction cost of $200,000 and with approval contingent <br />upon the City of Mapleton funding not less than 10% of the construction <br />cost. Discussion: Mr. Wagner said he considers several criteria when <br />approving requests such as this: a county road is running through the <br />city; the city is willing to help pay for a portion of the costs; and the <br />county is not setting a precedent because similar projects have been <br />cost-shared. Mr. Pawluk asked about maintenance of the trail. Mr. <br />Berndt said the county will maintain the path, but if constructed out of <br />concrete, it will be virtually maintenance-free. He anticipates the city will <br />provide mowing and landscaping of the area. Mr. Pawluk also asked <br />about the total cost to the county. Mr. Berndt estimated that if the grant <br />is approved, the county will pay about $30,000 (including $10,000 for <br />administrative and engineering expenses) with funds to come out of their <br />2008 budget. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />11. TAX-FORFEITED PROPERTY, Appraisals <br />Mr. Montplaisir provided a list of real estate forfeited to Cass County for delinquent taxes, <br />pursuant to North Dakota Century Code Chapter 57-28. The list shows the minimum sales <br />price as recommended by the county auditor and the director of tax equalization as well as <br />photographs of each parcel. Mr. Montplaisir said out of the five properties taken, two have <br />residents living within the structures. <br />
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