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EXHIBIT A <br />Horace Sanitary Lift Station and Force Main Conceptual Design and System Layout <br />Fargo shall perform the following tasks: <br />•Evaluate and recommend the pumping capacity (firm pumping capacity and maximum pumpingcapacity) of a City of Horace sanitary lift station. The lift station will be used to pump wastewaterto Fargo’s wastewater collection system. <br />o The lift station pumping capacity will be determined using the future population andwastewater flow projections (which will be aligned with the estimated timing of southFargo population growth and the extension of the 45th Street Interceptor) defined withinthe Fargo Southwest Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan. <br />o The capacity of the existing Horace-Fargo wastewater system connection (Deer Creekmeter vault) will be considered when determining the lift station pumping capacity. <br />o It is assumed the lift station will be a duplex (two pump) lift station. <br />o It is assumed that Fargo will own a nearby meter vault (located within Fargo growth area)to meter Horace’s flows from this lift station. <br />•Evaluate and recommend the required force main diameter to convey wastewater from the liftstation to Fargo’s wastewater collection system. <br />•Recommend a force main route and connection location to Fargo’s wastewater collection system. <br />•Evaluate and recommend lift station pump design parameters including flow (represented ingallons per minute), total dynamic head (represented in feet), and pump horsepower. Provide a <br />pump cut sheet that meets the pump design parameters. <br />•Develop a probable cost opinion for construction of the Horace lift station and force main. <br />•Develop a map that includes the assumed Horace lift station location, recommended force mainroute, and recommended force main connection location to Fargo’s wastewater collection system. <br />•Facilitate one review meeting (up to two hours in duration) to present the findings from this taskto the City of Fargo and City of Horace. <br />•Document the findings from this task in a separate Technical Memorandum titled “FargoExpanded Wastewater Service for Horace.” This Technical Memorandum will be included as anAttachment to the Southwest Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan. <br />Water Service to Horace Hydraulic Modeling <br />Fargo shall perform the following tasks: <br />•Develop a request for information from Horace’s existing water supply and distribution system. <br />Review information provided by the City of Horace about Horace’s existing water distributionsystem characteristics and water system operations. <br />•Incorporate Horace’s watermain, well, and storage information into the regional water systemhydraulic model. <br />o The regional water system hydraulic model includes Fargo, West Fargo, and portions of <br />Cass Rural Water District’s (CRWD) water systems.