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2 <br />2.Engineering Services. In accordance with Section 12.05 of the JPA, Fargo must perform thisWork through coordinated efforts between engineering consultants and engineering staff ofthe Member Entity. Fargo may use its own engineering consultants or engineering staff for <br />the Work, but if it chooses to do so, it must cooperate in good faith with the engineeringconsultants or engineering staff or other Member Entities. All engineering services procuredby the Diversion Authority and/or Member Entities for the Work shall be provided by aprofessional engineer licensed within the state in which the In-Kind Work Element will be <br />constructed. <br />3. Reimbursement. The Diversion Authority will reimburse Fargo for all reasonable engineeringcosts incurred arising from or directly related to the Work described herein, and suchreimbursement shall not exceed $60,000. To receive reimbursement, Fargo must submit a <br />resolution of its governing body to the Finance Committee that authorizes the submission of arequest for reimbursement, generally describing the maintenance that was provided, alongwith invoices representing the requested reimbursement amount. The Finance Committeewill thereafter make a recommendation to the Diversion Authority. The Finance Committee <br />and Diversion Authority reserve the ability to request additional information from Fargo inits review of the reimbursement request. <br />Dated: _________, 2020. <br />APPROVED: <br />__________________________________________ <br />Timothy J. Mahoney, Chair <br />ATTEST: <br />___________________________________ Heather Worden, Secretary <br />The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member _____ <br />and upon roll call vote, the following Members voted in favor thereof: ________________________ <br />________________________________________________________________________________. <br />The following Member was absent and not voting: _______. The following voted against the same: <br />_________. A majority of the Members having voted aye, the resolution was declared duly passed <br />and adopted.