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•Analyze Horace’s existing water system and determine pressure and available fire flow based onexisting conditions. <br />•Analyze and determine improvements within the regional water system to provide service to theCity of Horace. <br />•Analyze and determine improvements within the City of Horace water system necessary toreceive service from the regional water system. <br />•Determine storage requirements for the City of Horace and provide recommendations forproviding adequate storage to meet required storage needs. <br />•Determine the estimated costs for connecting the City of Horace to the regional water system. <br />•Develop two available fire flow maps – existing conditions and proposed conditions. <br />•Develop two distribution system pressure maps – existing conditions and proposed conditions. <br />•Develop a map that includes the water distribution system improvements to connect Horace’swater system to the regional water system. <br />•Facilitate one review meeting (up to two hours in duration) to present the findings from this taskto the City of Fargo, City of Horace, and CRWD. <br />•Document the findings from this task in a separate Technical Memorandum titled “Fargo andCass Rural Water District – Regional Water Service to Horace.” This Technical Memorandumwill be included as an Attachment to the Southwest Water and Wastewater Infrastructure MasterPlan. <br />Expanded Regional Water Service to Cass Rural Water District <br />Fargo shall perform the following tasks: <br />•Develop a request for information from CRWD’s existing water supply and distribution system.Review additional CRWD distribution system information provided by CRWD. <br />•Expand the existing regional water system hydraulic model to analyze water distributionrequirements within the CRWD service area under a scenario without the existing South WaterTreatment Plant (WTP) and related infrastructure. <br />•Develop recommended infrastructure improvements (transmission, pumping, and storage) toprovide water service to the CRWD service area. <br />•Review the estimated replacement value of the CRWD South WTP, and other CRWDinfrastructure impacted by the FM Area Diversion Project, as prepared by CRWD. <br />•Estimate the current annual expenses attributed to and associated with owning and operating theSouth WTP and related infrastructure. <br />•Prepare an economic evaluation for replacement of the CRWD South WTP and purchase ofwholesale water from the Fargo water utility. <br />•Facilitate one review meeting (up to two hours in duration) to present the findings from this taskto the City of Fargo and CRWD. <br />•Document the findings from this task in a separate Technical Memorandum titled “Fargo andCass Rural Water District – Regional Water Service to Horace.” This Technical Memorandumwill be included as an Attachment to the Southwest Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master <br />Plan.