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<br />Natwick Associates Appraisal Services <br /> <br />FileNo. 051113 <br />Case No. <br /> <br />Uniform Residential Appraisal Reoort <br />Theour~se of this summarY annraisal reDort is to orovide the lender/client with an accurate and adenuatel' sunnorted oninlon of lhe market value of the subiect nro,,"rt,. <br />Pronertv Address 6325 13th St N Citv Farao State ND Zin Code 5B102 <br />Borrower Karen Kostecki Owner of Public Record A1lvn & Karen Kostecki Countv Cass <br />LenalDascriotion Lot 19 Block 6 Hinhland Park <br />Assessor's Parcel # 60-110000-950-000 <br />Neinhborhood Name Hiohland Park <br />Occunant Il Owner 1- 1 Tenant I I Vacant Soeclal Assessments $ <br />.. pronert,RinhtsAnnraised 1 1 Fee Simole I I Leasehold I I Olherldescribal <br />Assinnment Tvne Il Purchase Transaclion 1 X 1 Refinance Transaclion ilOlherldescribel <br />LenderlClient Karen Kostecki Address 6325 13th St N Farao ND 5B103 <br />Is lhe subiecl nronert' currentlv offered for sale or has it been offered for sale in the twelve months orior to fhe effective date of this appraisal? I l Yes I)(i No <br />Renort data sourcelsl used, offerinos nricelsl. and datelsl. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Tax Year 2004 <br />Man Reference 58102 Census Tracl <br />o r l PUO HOA$ <br /> <br />RE. Taxes $ 5 653.32 <br />0003.00 <br />Il ner vear r I oer monlh <br />. <br /> <br />I D d~ Ixl did nol analyze Ihe contract for sale for the subjecl purchase fransaclion Explain lhe resuits of the analysis of the contracl for sale or why lhe analysis was nol <br />'''"rtormed. N1A. Refinance <br /> <br />. Contracl prtce $ Dale of Contract Is the oronertv seller the owner of oublic record? I X I Yes I I No Data Souc.;;sf Public records <br />Is there any financial assistance (loan charges, sale concessions, gift or downpayment assistance, elc.) to be paid by any party on behalf of the borrower? U Yes (K] No <br />. Ir Yes reoort Ihe lolat dollar amount and describe the items 10 be naid. N/A <br /> <br />Note: Race and the ractal comnosltlon ofthe neinhborhood are not annraisalfaclors. .. . . . .... .. ....... . <br />. ':":i\l~~ ..,.t:;<:"'l'iI' "..""';1" ..~ i"'.-':';i "T\'''~~ '-'l,l;:. '-j,\ ." '!'I"'J' . ''-'''.f,P<t''f rr!:jiU1l 'frIIJ<"f\\'I'W'i{i'i,l"if1'ii' ';~1" . '",'1." ,"'" "\ "~KI"1'.If;.::f ',~ '''~ "-P"~iM'Jr';'.'~'f~;;FJ 1'!lj"j'{1l4111 : :,;, VfO '~'~f>!i,,'T;H";"":T~f:j 'D- r','1:'R"'ill~:f I'L> 'l''J,rnJ;i;:'~~;i <br />U~jMI~~i'ii~L~lgb.tlQrhQg~hat,.~"il~~}~~1,i~~~!1111,\!~; llf~,~\(.l~'~~I,\~tr~~I~I)~Ynl~;~~1J81'M!i1)'(nct8,;auk~1~~;iM:1;.li'~~t(~~~bl~~})..""mb'~'lt:., .p~ULng'uJ( ,liJ"~8!'lt ~~~1~5"~; ,~r.f:l,$;.~~' <br />Location Urban X Suburban Rural Pronertv Values IncreaSlnn)( Slable Decllnmn PRICE AGE One-Uml 95 Yo <br />. Buill-Un X Over 75% 25-75% Under 25% Oemand/Sunnlv Shortaae X In Balance o..r &me!{ $ 10001 .. Ivrsl 2-4 Unit % <br />I" Growlh Ranid X Stabie Slow Markelinn Time Ui'OOr3mills X 3-6 mlhs o..r6rn11~ 250 Low New Mulli-Familv % <br />. , Neinhborhood Boundaries The sublect neiqhborhood is bounded bv the develaamenl af HiGhland . 500 Hiah 20 Commercial % <br />e1IPark. . 300 Pred. 15 Olher 5 % <br />a NeinhbortlOod Descrtnlion The neinhborhoad oonsists of hioher end sino Ie familv homes in the develooments of North River and Hinhland <br />Park which are lacated north af the Faroo/Moorhead metro area." <br /> <br />Markel Condilions ,inctudina support for the above conclusions\ Most lislinns are sell inn within the 3 10 6 month ranoe with the sales to askina orice <br />ratio of abaut 95%. Most buvers like Ihe small tawn atmosnhere af the Farno/Maorhead area as well as the aoad roads and access to <br />the rest of the nation via the international airoart. <br />Oimensions 100 x 550 Area 1.26 Ac Shane Rectanaular View River <br />Snecific Zonina ClaSSification Residential Zoninn Descrtntion Sinole familv residential <br />Zoninn Comnlianca xl Leoal r l Lenai Nonconformlna IGrandfathered Usel r l No Zoninn r llllenal Idescrlbel <br />Is the hinhesl and best use of subiect nronertv as improved (or as nroMsed ner nians and s,,"cifications\ the nresenl use? I X IYes 1 1 No If No descrtbe. <br /> <br />Utilities Public Other Idescribel Public Other Idescribel Off.slte Improvements-Tvoe <br />Eleclricit' rxl r Water TxT'" Slreet Asohalt <br />Gas rxl I I Sanilarv Sewer TXT Ii. Allev Nane <br />FEMA Snecial Flood Hazard Area I I Yes X I No FEMA Flood Zone X FEMA MaD # 3B5364 001 OF <br />Are the utilities and/or off-site imnrovemenls lvoicaifor the markel area? X Yes I I No If No describe. <br />Ale there an... adverse site conditions or external factors (easements encroachments environmental conditions land uses etc.)? r l Yes r )(1 No If Yes describe. <br />Usual easements lor streets curb & qutter electric. aas sewer and water and ohane lines. No. easements were reported or abserved that <br />wauld adverselv affect the value af the orooertv. <br /> <br />Public Private <br />IxT I I <br />II . I I <br />FEMA Man Dale 11/02/95 <br /> <br />1i~~~!r~~1~i~;~,l~;W,Gen~ra'l il)e'scrIDtion~ihii1~~~li~~~t:ib~ &~i\~1:~;~f~@i~~rF.oufi'datI6n~JUWj~ZMi,l~~l'n 'EXteflor~bescjjrltj'onti~W;:;.;tmiterjlii8"c'o-ndifj'ori[ rlnterio~~~i;jm~!i~~Ymaterfai'Sicondlti8~~ <br />Units I X lOne I lOne with Accessorv Unll l Concrete Slab r lCrawl Snace Foundation Walls Prd Conc. Floors CarnfTileMn-Av-Gd <br />. # of Stories 2 Units xl Full Basement r lPartial Basemenl Extertor Walls Steel sidinn Walls Druwall-Av-Gd <br />T'ne I X i Del.I I All. 1 S-Oet./End Unit BasemenlArea 1350 <n. ft. Roof Surtace Camn.Shal TrtmlFinish HW-Av-Gd <br />II X IExislinn I '1 Prooosed lUnderConsl. 8asementFinish 85 % Gutters & DownsMuls Metal Bath Floor Vln"i-Good <br />Desinn rSI'lel 2 storv I Outside Entrv/Exitr X Sumn Pumn Window T'ne Crankouts Bath Wainscol Fiber nlass <br />Year Buill 1992 Evidenceof 1 Infestation StormSasMnsulated Camb. CarStorane r.l None <br />Effeclive Ana IYrsl 5 10ampness I Settlement Screens Yes I X I Drtvew8' # of Cars 4 <br />Attic None Heslino I X IFWAII IHWBR I IRadiant Amenilies Woodslovelsl # Drivewa, Surtace Cancrete <br />Dron Stair Stairs 10lher TFuel Gas X Firenl"el,! # 2 X Fence X Garane # of Cars 3 <br />Fioor X Scuttle Coolina I X I Central Air Conditioninn X PaIi<Yllecl< Porch Camnrt # at Cars <br />Finisned Heated lindividualll I Other Yes Pool Other X Atl. lDel. r l8uill-in <br />Annliances rX l Refrinerator I X I Ranae/Oven 1 X IDishwasherl X IDisnosai IX l Microwavel X l Washer/DrYer I iOther (describe) <br />linished arei-above' nrade contains: BRooms 4 Bedrooms. 2.00 Bathlsl 2 600 Sauare Feet of Gross LivinQ Area Above Grade <br />Addilional features Isnecial enernv efficienl items elc.\ . <br />" <br /> <br />Describe Ihe condition of lha orooertv lincludino needed renairs delerioration renovations remodelinn etc.l. The subiect has been well maintained sa nhvsicat <br />denreciation is minimal. The averall oondilion of the subiect is oonsidered nood. Qualitv af canstructian cansidered aood. No. lunctianal <br />or external obsolescence noted that would affect the market value. <br />. <br /> <br />Are there an' nh'sical deficiencies or adverse condilions thai affecllhe tivabilitv. soundness orstructural inlenril, of Ihe nropertv? 1 Yes I X I No If Yes describe <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Does the oronertv oenerallv conform to the neiQhborhood Ifunctional ulilit' st'le condition use conslruclionetc.l? I X I Yes I i No If No describe <br /> <br />Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 <br /> <br />ClickFORMS Appraisal Saftware 800-622-8727 <br /> <br />Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 <br />Page 1 af 13 <br />