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<br />I <br />i' <br />}, <br /> <br />Natwick Associates Appraisal Services <br /> <br />/i <br /> <br />File No. 051113 <br />Case No. <br /> <br /> Uniform Residentla ~DDralsa epo <br /> There are 5 comparable oroDerties currentlv offered tDr sale in the subject neiahborhood rannino in orice from $ 269 000 to$ 329 000 <br /> There are 4 comparable sales in the sub'ect neinhborhood ..thin the Dastlweive months ranDinn in sale Drice from $ 284 900 10$ 395 000 <br /> FEATURE I SU8JECT COMPARABLE SALE # 1 COMPARA8LE SALE # 2 COMPARABLE SALE # 3 <br /> Address 6325 13th St N 1307 64th Ave N 7211 Co Rd 31 1216 43rd Ave N <br /> Farao ND 58102 FarQo Farqo Farqo <br /> Proximitv to Subiect 1[~~!!i~E!,:l~il!W1i1.~f.i~~ 1 Block 1.5 miles 2.5 miles <br /> $ ~il~~.~~~~i~!i$iTjmY1~ $ 290 000 ""'~f'i'f!~;;;tWf,~\I"1 $ 351 600 ~1~'h~N~i~i'~~fl;~~~1 $ 284,900 <br /> Sale Price n:1"'T. ,,},,:J,J!' "/."" .I':~~ <br /> s~epriceJGroSSUv.Area~$ 95.11 SQ. ft. ~r.rr~}It~l~L~;~t $ 157.53 sa. ft. !ml1fti!!.~I~irlfi $ 167.59 SQ. ft ~{lj~IU~~~lf~,t)(;;~ <br /> . '.. . _')' ." <br /> Dala SOurcelst : i"{ii.Jiiji Farao/Moorhead MLS & FaraolMoorhead MLS & Farao/Moorhead MLS & . <br /> Verificalion Sourcelst Drive-bv Drive-bv Drive-bv <br /> VALUE AOJUSTMENTS DESCRiPTiON DESCRIPTION I ;(-) $ Adiustment DESCRIPTION +l $ Adjustment DESCRIPTION j -t{-\$ Adiustment <br /> Sale or Financlna ~~I~:;W:J;W;~~#[;~rIi~E~;?~~~;)1iH\,j~' None None None <br /> Concessions ~!~~~rtf~~'{~j:~:i~;!:(~~~~t~! None None None <br /> Date of SaieITime 'T';ir;11,!,,~<IjI,i\';~;~~~~il~!i'i" 6/01/05 8/15/05 9/30/05 . <br /> ff.'f.fJJrrf~;.'i*ojI\;.:;r:~;~ AI'tli, <br /> Location Good Good Good Good <br /> LeaseholdfFee SimDle Fee Simole Fee Simole Fee Simole Fee Simnle <br /> Sile 1.26Ac 1 acre 2.64 acres -3000 0.27 acre . +2500 <br /> View 'River River River Good +5001 <br /> Desion ISlviel 2 storv 2 story 2 stOry 1 stOry <br /> Qualitv 01 Construction Good Good Good . V. Good -1000 <br /> Aclual Ane 13vrs 16 18 7 <br /> Condition Good Good Good Good <br /> Above Grade Total I Bdrmsl Baihs Total IBdrmsl Baths Total IBdrmsl Baths Total IBdrmsJ Balhs <br /> Room Count 8 I 4 I 2.00 B I 3 I 2.00 8 I 3 j 2.75 6 i 2 I 2.50 <br /> Gross Livina Area 2600 so. ft. 3049 SQ. ft. -1347 2232 so. ft, +1104 1700 so. ft. +27 00{ <br /> Basement & Finished 1350 sf 1,400 1,000 1,700 <br /> Rooms Below Grade 85 1:0:.75 +400C 3:2:1 4:3:RI .600 <br /> Functional Utililv Tvoical T voical , T voical Tvoicai <br /> Heatina/Coatina FWAlCentral EFAlCA EF AlCA GFAlCA <br /> Enemv Efficienlllems Tvoical Tvoical Tvoical T volcal <br /> GaraoelCamort 3 car all 3.carall 4 car .200 3 car all <br /> PorchlPatiolDeck Patio Deck 3 seas porch/deck -1000 3 decks -250 1 deck -100 <br /> Fireolaces 2 Fireolaces None +200 Fence None +200 <br /> Firenlace 2 1 +200 2 HP +200 <br /> Net Adiuslment IT otal\ [;i: j-- . I -I +IXI- II -6470 I I+IXI- $ -23 460 xl +i I- . 44 000 <br /> Adjusted Saie Price NelAdj: ... .... .. .... .... . NetAi!j:-7%:', NelAdj: 15%.:::::::.. . <br />~ofcomoarabies _ GrossAdi: 8%.01$ 283530 GrossAdi:13%:::I$ :128140 Gross Adi: 27'1,'..:: ~ 328 900 <br />, I i X I d~ I I did not research the sale or transler history of. the subiecl Drooertv and comoarable sales. If not explain <br />. <br />, <br />. Mv research I I did I X I did nol reveal anv orior sales or transfers of the subject orooertv for the three vears Drior to the effeclive date of this appraisal. <br /> Datasource/sl Owner ., <br />- Mv research I I did I x I did not reveal any orior sales or transfers of the comparable sales lor lhe vear orior to the dale of sala of the comoarable sale. <br /> Oatasourcels! FarQo Moorhead MLS <br /> Report the resulls of the research and anaivsis of lhe prior sale or transfer history 01 the subiect nrollArtv and comparabie sales (reoori additionai orior sales on Oalle 3). <br /> ITEM SUBJECT COMPARABLE SALE # 1 COMPARABLE SALE # 2 COMPARABLE SALE # 3 <br /> Oate of Prior SalelT ransfer None . None None None <br /> Price 01 Prior SalelTransler . <br /> Oata Sourcel sl <br /> Effective Date of Data Source(s) <br /> Analvsis of orior sale or transfer history of the subiect orooertv and comparable sales To the knowledoe of the appraiser no other sales 01 the subject have <br /> been recorded in the oast3 vears and none of the comoarable sales in the oast year. <br /> - <br /> Summary of Sales Comparison Approach The above were considered to be the most recent and most oomparable saies to the subiect in the <br /> area. Sales 1 and 2 are slmiiar tvoe homes as subiect located in subiect's neinhborhood. Sale 3 is a 1 storv home located in a <br /> deveiooment similar to subiecl's. It is necesarv to exoand distance when lookino lor this ranoe of homes in North Faroo. Sales 1 & 2 <br /> are river lots as is subiect's. Sale 3 was adiusted for not having a river lot and aiso for difference in size of lot. Sale 3 was adlusted for <br /> ualitv of oonstruction since it has more brick .etc. Gross Livinq area was bracketed and adjusted at $30/SF. All of Ihe oroperties have <br /> similar access 10 schools, shoooino and emolovment onnortunities. -. - - -- '"- <br /> Indicated Value bv Sales Comparison Annroach $ 310000 <br /> Indicated Value by: Sales Comoarison Anoroach $ 310000 . Cost Aooroach IIf developed) $ 31B 748 Income Aooroach III developedl $ N/A <br /> A lack of rental data orecluded further analvsis of the Inoome Aooroach. The Cost Aooroach is sUOPoriive 01 the final value estimate <br /> nevertheiess I selected the Sales Comnarison Aooroach as mosl reflective of market value. This is a oompiete annraisal utilizino a <br /> summarY report. <br /> This appraisal is madelX] 'as is,' U subject to completion per plans and specifications on the basis of a hypothetical condition that the improvements have been <br /> completed, 0 subject 10 the following repairs or alleralions on the basis of a hypothetical condition thai the repairs or aiterations have been completed, or 0 subject to the <br /> lollowlno reouired inspection based on the extraordinary assumption thai the cDndilion or deficiency does not reQuire alleration or reoair: The oumose of this appraisal <br /> is to estimate market value for financlna nurnoses. <br /> Based on a complete visual inspection of the In~erlor and exterior areas of the subject property, defined scope of work, statement of assumptions and limiting <br /> condmons, and appralser'scertllicatlon, my (our) opinion of the market vatue, as defined, ollhe real property ttiat Is the subject of this report Is <br /> 1$ 310000 as 01 11/9/05 which Is the date ollnsoection and Ihe effective date olthls aooralsal. <br /> <br />'IA IR <br /> <br />rt <br /> <br />Freddie Mac Form 70 March 2005 <br /> <br />Click FORMS Appraisal Software 800-622-8727 <br /> <br />Fannie Mae Form 1004 March 2005 <br />Page 2 of 13 <br />