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<br />Chemical: <br />$100,000 each person bodily; <br />$300,000 each occurrence bodily; and, <br />$100,000 each occurrence property. <br />. Chemical coverage includes "all labeled products for mosquito control" <br />. Chemical coverage includes "clties and towns and residential areas" <br />. Coverage includes full additional insured status <br />Contractor shall pay the premium on such insurance policy, and the County shall be designated as <br />a "named insured" on such policy. Contractor shall maintain such policy in force for all months in which it <br />perfonns services for the County under the provisions of this Agreement <br />SECTION IX, <br />Contractor agrees to indemnify County from any and all liability, loss or damage the County may <br />suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising from or arising against it from services <br />perfonned by the Contractor relative to this Agreement <br />SECTION X. <br />Contractor agrees that upon receiving written direction from the County, aerial application of pesticides <br />over the County shall be completed within a reasonable time from notification by the County, not to exceed <br />seventy-two (72) hours, unless such perfonnance is prevented by an act of God (such as high winds, rain <br />or cold temperature) or unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor pertaining to the <br />aerial application of the County or aerial application of other clients of Contractor. However, the County <br />reserves the right to cancel or withdraw said notice in writing delivered by the County to Contractor prior to <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />