County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-May 1, 2006 3065 <br /> <br />Mr. Hoganson requested the motion be forwarded to him in order to have the exact <br />language for his records. Mrs. Johnson will send the information to him. Mrs. Johnson <br />asked when the repairs would begin. Mr. Hoganson said he would check on it. <br /> <br />8. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Gravel supplv bids for 2006 accepted <br />Tom Soucy, acting Highway Superintendent, was present. He said their department is <br />requesting that all gravel bids for 2006 be accepted and allow staff to decide how to best <br />utilize funds for gravel in different locations throughout the county. He said they evaluate <br />each situation to determine which gravel pit is the most cost effective. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk said the price ranges from $3.20 per cubic yard to $12.50 per cubic yard. He <br />has a difficult time understanding under what circumstances the county would use the more <br />expensive option. Mr. Soucy discussed some different scenarios and the factors used when <br />making a decision on a gravel supplier. <br /> <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, asked about the estimated minimum quantity outlined in <br />three of the contracts. Mr. Soucy said the three companies will most likely be the suppliers <br />their department will use this season. Mr. Burdick pointed out a discrepancy with the price <br />per cubic yard in the contract with Mark Sand and Gravel. Mr. Soucy will check on this and <br />make any necessary changes. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to accept all 2006 gravel <br />supply bids to be used in the best interest of the county; to authorize the <br />chairman to sign contract documents with the suppliers upon receipt and <br />subject to State's Attorney concurrence and to clarify a discrepancy with <br />the dollar amount in the contract with Mark Sand and Gravel. <br />Discussion: Mr. Bennett suggested the process for gravel bids be <br />reviewed to determine if there is a better method. Mr. Pawluk suggested <br />each road project be bid separately to improve the process. Mr. Vanyo <br />feels the department has done a good job in previous years and <br />suggested records be kept in order to answer any questions that may <br />arise. Mr. Soucy said their department keeps detailed records of each <br />road that is graveled. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />9. FLOOD UPDATE, Resolution #2006.8. Disaster Declaration approved <br />Dave Rogness, Emergency Manager, was present. He discussed preliminary damage <br />assessment figures from the 2006 flood including costs for sand bags, sand, clean up, road <br />and bridge damage, equipment rental, staff overtime and water resource district estimates. <br />As of today, county expenses total approximately $883,430. He discussed two categories <br />distinguished for roads. On-system roads are part of the federal aid system, but must have <br />at least $5,000 worth of damage at each site to qualify for funding and do not meet <br />requirements for FEMA assistance. Off-system roads are eligible for FEMA funding. He <br />said there must be at least $1 million worth of damage in order for the governor to apply for <br />a presidential disaster declaration. He anticipates it will reach, if not exceed, $1 million. <br /> <br />Mr. Rogness said after the flood, government officials discussed some items that may be <br />done differently in the future. One suggestion was to include Clay County and the City of <br />Moorhead in daily briefings along with Cass County and the City of Fargo. <br />
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