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<br />Commission Minutes-March 20, 2006 3048 <br /> <br />That the excise tax shall be at a rate of $1.00 per month per telephone access line and per <br />each wireless service; however, the Board of County Commissioners of Cass County may <br />reduce the excise tax by subsequent resolution if sufficient funds are received to operate and <br />maintain the system. <br /> <br />That each of the telephone companies and wireless service providers servicing the <br />geographical areas within Cass County in which this excise tax is to be imposed, shall collect <br />the excise tax by including such tax, separately stated, in the regular monthly billing <br />statement sent to their subscribers. Additionally, each such telephone company and wireless <br />service provider shall pay, within 30 days after it is collected from the subscriber, the full <br />amount of such excise tax provided, however, each such telephone company and wireless <br />service provider shall be entitled to reimbursement for the actual costs of administration in <br />collection of the tax, not exceeding $.05 per month per telephone access line upon which the <br />excise tax has actually been collected. <br /> <br />That the excise tax shall commence December 1, 2006, and shall remain in effect unless <br />repealed or until such tax automatically lapses pursuant to state statute. <br /> <br />8. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Authorize chairman to sian contract with <br />TeleManaaement Inc. <br />Terry Schmaltz, Information Technology Director, was present to discuss a contract with <br />TeleManagement Incorporated (TMI) to conduct a billing audit on the county's local and <br />long distance telecommunication services. He said there is no direct cost as their fee is <br />based on a percentage of any monies collected and received by Cass County. He <br />discussed governmental references that contracted with TMI, including Burleigh and Ward <br />Counties, and the City of Bismarck, and all received some fairly substantial refunds. Mr. <br />Vanyo said his employer used a firm similar to TMI about ten years ago with successful <br />results. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner secondeq to authorize the chairman <br />to sign a client agreement for the Information Technology Department <br />with TeleManagement Incorporated to conduct a billing audit of local <br />and long distance phone services. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />9. CASS COUNTY YOUTH COMMISSION, Authorize chairman to sian contract with <br />Newman Outdoor Advertisina <br />Mr. Schmaltz discussed a contract with Newman Outdoor Advertising for donation of space <br />and layout design of a billboard for an event to be held by the Cass County Youth <br />Commission. The billboard will be located on Main Avenue in Fargo and there will be no <br />cost to the county. The only cost to the Youth Commission will be $208.00 for materials, <br />which will be covered through sponsor donations. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to authorize the chairman <br />to sign a contract with Newman Outdoor Advertising for donation of <br />space and layout of a billboard for the Cass County Youth Commission. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />