County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--May 17, 1999 1981 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Koenig seconded to approve first reading <br />of an ordinance for imposition of a sales tax for county jail <br />construction and maintenance; and to set the second readingl <br />adoption for June 21, 1999, to allow time for publishing a summary of <br />the ordinance in the official newspaper at least 20 days between the <br />first and second reading. Mrs. Quick invited discussion and hearing <br />none, called for the roll. On roll call vote, motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />19. JAIL CONSTRUCTION FUND, Established with a loan from current building fund <br />Mr. Koenig asked to move this item from the consent agenda to the regular agenda for <br />discussion. Mr. Montplaisir said funds will be needed soon to pay for the jail site, engineering <br />tests, surveying and design fees, and he is suggesting that the Board establish a jail <br />construction fund using $1,000,000 from the current building fund rather than paying interest <br />on borrowed money from a lending institution. Sales tax revenues are expected to begin in late <br />1999, he said. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said internal borrowing has been done before and is a good practice for the <br />county because it saves money. He has discussed the situation with the State Auditor's Office. <br /> <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, received the materials prepared by Mr. Montplaisir and said he <br />is not aware of anything that would be inappropriate. He did request additional time for further <br />review, and he will contact the County Auditor in the next day or two. <br /> <br />Mr. Koenig inquired about the time line for returning the money to the building fund, and Mr. <br />Montplaisir said the funds should be back in the building fund by the time the new jail is <br />completed. He said there is almost $2,000,000 in the building fund, and it is anticipated that <br />this fund will eventually be used to pay for campus improvements at the current site. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Meyer seconded to establish the Jail <br />Construction Fund and to loan that fund $1,000,000 (interest free) <br />from the current Building Fund in anticipation of sales tax revenue to <br />be received in late 1999 and early 2000, subject to final approval of the <br />State's Attorney. On roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />20. FLOOD BUY-OUT, Transaction to be re-negotiated subiect to State's Attorney approval <br />Irv Rustad, Lake Agassiz Regional Development Corporation, appeared before the Board at the <br />request of the Chair to talk about a home damaged in the 1997 flood, formerly owned by Pat <br />and Oi Scherling. Garland and Bev Hagemeister submitted the highest bid last August to <br />purchase this flood property from the county for $21 ,000, and they contacted a house mover to <br />get the home out of the floodway, with the deadline being May 31 of this year. However, they <br />have been unable to obtain a permit to move the home because homeowners still living in the <br />subdivision are concerned about trees and future road conditions after moving the house. <br /> <br />Mr. Rustad talked about the county's options, which include extending the time limit for moving <br />the home, and that may be necessary anyway since the deadline is only two weeks away. The <br />home was sold "as is" which meant moving it from the current location, however, Mr. Rustad <br />
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