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Commission Minutes--March 1, 1999 1947 <br /> <br />portfolio commissioner, subject to state's attorney approval; and <br />authorize the chairperson to sign: On roll call vote, motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Public Information Inquiry Agreement (approve as to form and fee schedule); <br />North Dakota Department of Human Services-interpreter Services and Child Care <br />Licensing; <br />Southeast Human Services-Respite Care/Partnership Project. <br /> <br />ROAD DEPARTMENT, Flood insurance restudy <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, requested authorization for the county to participate financially, <br />and be the lead agency, in a flood insurance restudy of the Red River in southern Cass and <br />Clay Counties. This multi-jurisdictional study is to be conducted by FEMA (Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency) and the Corps of Engineers from South Dakota to the Canadian border, <br />with the work being done in the next two years from Cass County's southern border to Fargo. <br /> <br />It is anticipated that the study will consist of creating new base maps with topographical <br />contours and aerial imagery, including the major tributaries. Mr. Berndt said this information will <br />allow for better flood plain management, including the ability to manage overland flooding, and <br />would also be helpful in highway and drainage planning. <br /> <br />The total cost of the work to be done in southern Cass and Clay Counties is estimated in excess <br />of $500,000, with the proposed funding being as follows: FEMA-$250,000; International Joint <br />Commission--S161,000; North Dakota State Water Commission--S45,000; City of Fargo-- <br />$42,000; Cass County--S42,000; Clay County/Buffalo Red WRD-$37,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt said the cost-share of Fargo and Cass County may increase if the State Water <br />Commission is unable to help fund the project. He has learned they are reluctant to make a <br />final commitment until May when the threat of spring flooding should be over, however, it is <br />hoped that the project will begin in April. Mr. Berndt said the ideal time to do the aerial elevation <br />and imaging work is without any snow cover and before the trees begin to leaf out. Fargo and <br />Cass County would each be expected to pay $22,500 more if the State Water Commission does <br />not participate in the project. Mr. Meyer asked if other projects will be delayed, and Mr. Berndt <br />said this study will not affect other projects. He has identified the funds from various sources. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Meyer moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to authorize the <br /> County Engineer to participate in a Flood Insurance Restudy and <br /> Mapping project, as outlined in his memorandum to the Commission <br /> dated February 12, 1999. Cass County's cost participation will be <br /> approximately $64,500, funded with $44,500 from HUD grant funds <br /> and $20,000 from County Highway Funds. On roll call vote, motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> <br />ROAD DEPARTMENT, Bridge in Pontiac Township donated to Enderlin Golf Course <br />Mr. Berndt requested permission to donate an old bridge, which has some historical <br />significance, to the Enderlin Golf Course for a golf cart trail. The bridge was replaced in 1997 <br />by a new bridge over the Maple River in Sections 21-28, Pontiac Township. An agreement will <br />be drafted releasing the county from all expense and liability, and the Endedin Golf Course will <br /> <br /> <br />