County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--December 21,1998 1912 <br /> <br />Mr. Steiner said the grant would run for approximately 18 to 24 months and if awarded, Cass <br />County would receive about $110,000 of the total grant for management of the project. He <br />noted that one staff member would be needed for the duration of the grant; however, the county <br />would not be committed to long-term funding for the position. Cass County would need to <br />provide the physical space for the staff member and equipment. Mr. Steiner said if the grant is <br />awarded, seven counties will be involved in the pilot project. He had requested a letter of <br />funding commitment be signed; however, the letter is not needed at this time. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Quick moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to authorize the Cass <br />County Commission Chairperson to sign the Hazard Mitigation Grant <br />Funding Application, according to correspondence from the <br />Information Services Director, Michael Steiner, dated December 11, <br />1998. On roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />13. FLOOD UPDATE, Report from County Engineer <br />County Engineer Keith Berndt was present to give a flood update for Irv Rustad. Mr. Berndt said <br />according to Mr. Rustad the buyouts are proceeding well. Mr. Rustad plans to give the <br />Commission a complete flood update at the January 4, 1999, meeting. <br /> <br />14. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Weight restriction on County Road #1 discussed <br />Mr. Berndt received a request from Pak Ag Services Inc. to leave a short section of Highway 1 <br />from 1-94 to Tower City unposted in the spring. The request represents a policy change as well <br />as a long-term financial expense to Cass County. <br /> <br />He said in an unposted condition, a tandem axle semi-trailer may legally haul 80,000 pounds. <br />With a Class 1 restriction, the same truck can legally haul 72,000 pounds. He concluded that <br />if county roads are left unposted, the repair and maintenance costs to the county would be <br />approximately $3,000 to $4,000 per mile. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt does not argue that a significant added economic benefit exists for business owners <br />without the weight restrictions; however, the county needs to consider if that warrants the costs <br />involved to repair the roads. He is not prepared to make an overall recommendation at this time. <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer said high speeds as well as weights are enemies to county roads. He asked Mr. <br />Berndt about the average length of time involved with the load restrictions. Mr. Berndt agreed <br />that lower speeds cause less stress on roads and said the weight restrictions go into effect <br />around mid-February and continue through mid-May. <br /> <br />Mr. Koenig feels the weight restrictions are not being complied with because trucks are loaded <br />to 80,000 pounds, not 72,000 pounds and said that almost 100% are overloaded. He said <br />haulers do not have a way to haul product unless the trucks are overloaded. Mr. Wieland <br />suggested possibly reducing the speed limits to help reduce road repair costs. Mr. Koenig felt <br />that speed limits may be complied with more than weight restrictions. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to table this issue until <br />further information is provided and to discuss this item with the Road <br />Advisory Committee. On roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br />
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