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Commission Minutes--December 1, 1997 1749 <br /> <br />Chairman Wieland next called on Sheriff Don Rudnick, who was present, for a report on the current <br />conditions in the county jail. Sheriff Rudnick reported on a furnace problem in the jail over the <br />weekend and on-going problems with jail overcrowding. <br /> <br />Walt Willis, Jail Administrator, informed the board that about $10,000 per month is spent on <br />boarding prisoners in other facilities due to reaching capacity in the Cass County jail. Sheriff <br />Rudnick said he has written letters to the Commission and to State's Attorney John Goff trying to <br />hasten the paperwork needed before transporting in-mates to the North Dakota State Penitentiary <br />to serve out their sentences. Overcrowding in prison facilities has become a nation-wide problem, <br />he said. <br /> <br />Royce Yeater, member of the Jail Advisory Committee, was also present and said he believes it <br />is time to construct a new jail in Cass County rather than spending more money to remodel or <br />repair the present facility. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland publicly thanked the members of the jail task force for serving on the committee, and <br />expressed appreciation to those who appeared before the group to provide their input. He noted <br />that no response was received to the jail committee's press release inviting public comment. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Quick moved and Mr. Meyer seconded to adopt the Cass County <br /> Jail Report and to pursue contacting the National Institute of Corrections <br /> (NIC) to begin review of a new jail in Cass County. On roll call vote, <br /> motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wieland asked for assistance from Walt <br /> Willis in contacting the National Institute of Corrections. <br /> <br />16. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE REGULATING SURFACE USE OF RED RIVER, First reading <br />John Goff, State's Attorney, said he reviewed materials provided by the chairman about one month <br />ago and drafted an ordinance, provided earlier today, which meets the county's procedural <br />requirements in accordance with a proposed Clay County ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland said the ordinance restricts the speed of motorboats and personal watercraft on the <br />Red River during times of flooding and allows the enforcement of a no-wake zone. MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Meyer moved and Mm. Schneider seconded to approve first reading <br /> of an ordinance regulating the surface use of the Red River of the North, <br /> and publish a summary of the ordinance in the official newspaper at <br /> least 20 days prior to second reading/adoption. Discussion: Sheriff Don <br /> Rudnick asked the State's Attorney if this ordinance would be <br /> enforceable on overland flooding when the river is no longer in its banks, <br /> and Mr. Goff responded that he believes it would be appropriate to <br /> enforce this ordinance wherever the river is flowing at the time. At the <br /> call for the question and upon roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />17. <br /> <br />INFORMATION SERVICES, Computer discussion on Year 2000 compatibility <br />Mike Steiner, Information Services Manager, informed the Board he has been looking at year 2000 <br />software compatibility for about the last four years and believes the county is prepared for the <br />century date change from the standpoint of the computer system. There is great concern nation- <br /> <br /> <br />
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