County Commission
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Commission Minutes--May 19, 1997 1627 <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />First reading of the ordinance was held by the County Commission at this time. A summary of the <br />ordinance will be published in the county's official newspaper at least 20 days prior to the second <br />reading/final adoption. Mr. VVieland noted that the Park Board made some changes in the proposed <br />ordinance, in accordance with the State Game and Fish Department's Public Use Regulations for <br />State Wildlife Management Areas. County rules can be more restrictive, but not less restrictive, than <br />state rules. Therefore, campsites at Brewer Lake will be available for a period of time not to exceed <br />ten (10) consecutive days and any campsite or camping equipment which is left unoccupied or <br />unattended for more than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours, without written authorization from a <br />representative of the Cass County Park Board will be deemed to be abandoned and subject to <br />towing and impound by the county at the expense of the owner or user. MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Schneider moved first reading of an ordinance regulating and <br /> restricting the use of Cass County Park Campsites and to publish a <br /> summary of the ordinance in the official newspaper at least 20 days prior <br /> to second readinG/adoption. Mrs. Quick seconded the motion. <br /> Discussion: Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, asked about an <br /> enforcement section and if it will be the responsibility of the Sheriff's <br /> Department to call a tow truck, if and when needed. Mr. Goff said <br /> paragraph #1 sets forth the only penalty provision he was instructed to <br /> include. That paragraph outlines the process for impounding camping <br /> equipment which is in violation of the ordinance. Mr. Wieland said there <br /> are additional rules which the Park Board adopted earlier today, and these <br /> may require additional ordinances at a future date. Hearing no further <br /> comments on the proposed ordinance, and at the call for the question, the <br /> motion carried on roll call vote with all members voting "Aye." <br /> <br />COMPUTER HARDWARE/SOFTWARE SUPPORT, District Court aprsement <br />Mike Steiner, Data Processing Coordinator, presented an agreement whereby Cass County would <br />provide computer hardware/software support for East Central Judicial District Court at a cost of $1 $0 <br />per month retroactive to January 1, 1997; and Cass County will be allowed to utilize the computer <br />hardware/software that was purchased by the District Court. Mr. Steiner said the agreement is <br />similar to a contract that was in force through December 31, 1996, with some moderate language <br />changes. <br /> <br />Presiding Judge, Lawrence A. Leclerc, was present and said the contract was negotiated at a fiat <br />monthly fee, which is how it was paid before, and covers support for Juvenile Court also. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Quick moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to authorize the Cass <br /> County Commission Chairman to sign the computer hardware/software <br /> agreement with East Central Judicial District. On roll call vote, motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> <br />BUDGET PROCEDURES FOR 1998, Auditor's budu_et role a_~proved <br />County Auditor, Michael Montplaisir, prepared a letter dated May 9th regarding 1998 budget <br />procedures. He stated that the county auditor is responsible under the North Dakota Century Code <br />for preparing the overall county budget; however, under Cass County's Home Rule Charter, it <br />appears the county auditor's only responsibility is to complete his own office budget. <br /> <br /> <br />
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