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Commission Minutes-December 2, 1996 1554 <br /> <br />The duties of the administrative assistant will include, but not <br />necessarily be limited to, administrative, personnel and related office <br />management duties. The assistant shall be responsible for addressing <br />employee morale issues as they arise and ensuring that all concerns <br />are promptly addressed and facilitated where possible. Upon request <br />and prior approval by the Commission, the assistant will have authority <br />to utilize the services of neutral mediators from employee assistance <br />programs in the community. Resources from the education/seminar <br />budgets of the SAC may be used for such services, upon approval by <br />the Commission. <br /> <br />The assistant will report concurrently to Mr. Goff, and to the <br />Commission Chair, by written reports sent to the Board monthly. All <br />communications from and to Mr. Goff, to and from SAC employees, will <br />be routed through the assistant. Mr. Goff will retain all duties required <br />by law. <br /> <br />To fund the position, the Commission will maintain Mr. Goff's salary at <br />its 1996 level for 1997 and the Commission will direct the county <br />auditor to reallocate such other funds as may be necessary to <br />implement this plan. <br /> <br />The committee shall be formed no later than December 9, 1996. The <br />committee shall prepare the job description for the assistant. The job <br />description shall be prepared no later than December 16, 1996. <br /> <br />The selection of the assistant shall be made no later than December 31, <br />1996. <br /> <br />The Commission further recommends that Mr. Goff attend management <br />training for administration of state's attorney's offices. <br /> <br />The Commission further recommends that the SAC re-establish <br />management tools such as the previously used "team concept" of <br />division of SAC duties and regular meetings between and among <br />attorney, investigative and clerical staff in the SAC. <br /> <br />The Commission will also review any submission by the SAC regarding <br />additional budgetary needs for clerical staff or to alleviate other <br />workload issues. <br /> <br />Discussion followed on the duties and job description of the proposed administrative assistant. <br />Mr. Strommen said the intent is to create a position that will assist Mr. Goff and act as a buffer <br />for some of the communication problems between some of the SAC staff and the State's Attorney. <br /> <br />At the call for the question and upon roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br />
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