County Commission
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18. <br /> <br />Commission Minutes--September 30, 1996 1522 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Since the current contract between Fargo-Cass County Economic <br />Development Corporation and Cass County Government expires on <br />December 31, 1996, Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to enter <br />into a new contract between the County and the Growth Initiative Fund <br />Corporation so the 1997 levied funds could be drawn upon based on <br />the new contract. <br />AMENDED MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Ness seconded to amend the motion to <br />state that the 1997 levied funds could be drawn upon only when the <br />contract has been approved by the County Commission. Discussion: <br />Mr. Wieland asked for clarification, and Mrs. Schneider said she has <br />concerns about a new contract. She wants to withhold the 1997 levy <br />amount until commissioners are certain a new contract is in the best <br />interests of the county. Mr. Wieland said it takes two parties to make <br />a contract. At the call for the question and upon roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously on the amended motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously on the main motion. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Ness moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to approve the 1997 <br />final county budget. Motion carried on roll call vote with Mr. Ness, Mrs. <br />Schneider, Mrs. Toussaint and Mr. Wieland voting "Aye"; Mr. Eckert <br />opposing. Mrs. Toussaint expressed appreciation for the work done <br />by the Finance Committee and Commissioners during the 1997 budget <br />process. <br /> <br />METROPOLITAN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, County_ Road 17 bus loading study <br />A memorandum was received from County Engineer, Keith Berndt, dated September 20, 1996 <br />concerning the County Road 17 bus loading study, which was delayed from the last meeting. Mr. <br />Berndt recommends option #1, which calls for a 45 mile per hour speed zone with "School Bus <br />Stop Ahead" signs and timed flashers for the school bus loading area near the Sheyenne River <br />north of VVest Fargo. Commissioners are concemed about setting a precedent on paying annual <br />operating costs for flashing lights on school bus routes. Mr. Wieland feels this location warrants <br />flashing lights because of the arch of the bridge on County 17 north of West Fargo. Mr. Eckert <br />said the county did participate, to some extent, on a project with the Casselton School District. <br />Mr. Berndt said there are about four locations in the county where there are flashing lights at <br />highway intersections and he believes other agencies have agreed to pay the on-going cost of <br />operations in those instances. MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Ness seconded that the West Fargo <br /> School District be asked to pay the annual operating costs and to <br /> accept option #1 in Mr. Berndt's proposal. On roll call vote, the motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to endorse the F-M <br />Metropolitan Council of Governments County Road 17 bus loading <br /> <br /> <br />
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