County Commission
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Commission Minutes--September 30, 1996 1520 <br /> <br />county for some of their equipment. Sheriff Rudnick said the TACT <br />team requires special equipment for high-risk situations. At the call for <br />the question and upon roll call vote, the motion carried with Mrs. <br />Schneider, Mrs. Toussaint and Mr. Ness voting "Aye"; Mr. Wieland and <br />Mr. Eckert opposing. <br /> <br />MOT/ON, failed <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to reconsider budgeting <br />$7,800 for TACT team investigations and $34,693 for the gang officer <br />salary at a net cost to the county of $8,673 for 1997. On roll call vote, <br />the motion failed with Mr. Wieland and Mr. Eckert voting "Aye"; Mrs. <br />Toussaint, Mr. Ness and Mrs. Schneider opposing. <br /> <br />MOTION, failed <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to increase the Southeast <br />Cass Water Resource District levy from three mills to four mills. <br />Discussion: Mr. Ness said he cannot support this motion because the <br />Southeast Cass Water Resource District currently has an excessive <br />amount of reserves. Mr. Wieland believes some of those reserves are <br />dedicated to specific projects and additional projects may be needed, <br />as well. Mr. Eckert prefers to build a reserve before it is needed, he <br />said. On roll call vote, the motion failed with Mr. Wieland and Mr. <br />Eckert voting "Aye"; Mr. Ness, Mrs. Schneider and Mrs. Toussaint <br />opposing. <br /> <br />MOTION, failed <br />Mr. Eckert moved to eliminate the budget of the Vector Control District. <br />Mrs. Schneider seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Mr. <br />Eckert does not believe the program is necessary because North <br />Dakota has not had a problem with the disease of encephalitis, which <br />can be contracted from mosquitoes. Mr. Ness said the vector control <br />program is aimed at killing the breed of mosquito which spreads <br />encephalitis, and the Vector Control District has also assumed limited <br />responsibility of spraying for the nuisance mosquitoes to improve the <br />quality of life when people are outdoors. At the call for the question <br />and upon roll call vote, the motion failed with Mr. Eckert voting "Aye"; <br />Mr. Ness, Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Toussaint and Mr. Wieland opposing. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Ness moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to adopt the following <br />1997 budget changes: 1) deduct $20,000 from Sheriff's Department <br />budget for one vehicle, which is already budgeted in 1996; 2) deduct <br />$2,500 for Emergency Management weather station; 3) deduct $2,000 <br />for Emergency Management radio room remodeling; 4) eliminate new <br />half-time file clerk position in the State's Attorney budget and transfer <br />the appropriated funds to legal services in the County Commission <br />budget; 5) deduct $1,000 from State's Attorney office equipment; and <br /> <br /> <br />
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