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Comm. Minutes--April 17, 1995 1322 <br /> <br />18. <br /> <br />NORTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES, Balance of 1995 dues to be paid <br />Allen Ruzicka, President of the North Dakota Association of Counties <br />(NDACo), and Mark Johnson, Executive Director of NDACo, were present <br />to discuss 1995 association dues. Mr. Johnson distributed information <br />to each Commissioner on the 1995 NDACo operating budget, details of <br />special grants, and historical dues summary. Among other information, <br />the hand-out lists membership benefits to counties, as well as a <br />listing of the North Dakota Cooperative for Automation and Technology <br />(NDCAT) activities and services. <br /> <br />The NDACo dues structure was discussed at the Executive Committee <br />meeting held March 15, 1995, and Mr. Johnson said a separate committee <br />will be appointed by Mr. Ruzicka to look at the issue of dis- <br />proportionate growth in dues as it may relate to growth counties <br />versus non-growth counties. Hopefully, at the annual convention to <br />be held in Grand Forks in October, there will be some kind of <br />understanding or a compromise among all members of the association as <br />to how dues should be structured in the future, Mr. Johnson said. <br /> <br />Mr. Ness said smaller counties are paying $1,000 per year in dues, and <br />Cass County is being asked to pay over $20,000 for 1995, however, Cass <br />County's representation is not proportional to that amount. In <br />addition to the dollar amount, another concern is the timing of the <br />request for payment of dues. Mrs. Schneider suggested a 3-5 year plan <br />so that counties would know well in advance of the budget cycle what <br />the association dues will be for the next year. <br /> <br />Mr. Eckert said he understands there was an increase in total dues for <br />all counties of 71.9%, and Mr. Johnson said the total cumulative dues <br />increase has been 71% since 1988. The cumulative effect of the dues <br />increase for Cass County has been 56.9%, less than the overall state- <br />wide cumulative average. The goal is to have the smaller counties pay <br />70% of the cost of the organization, and the four larger counties pay <br />the remaining 30%, according to Mr. Johnson. Mrs. Toussaint is <br />concerned that the association may not always represent what is best <br />for Cass County when faced with making a decision concerning all <br />counties in the State of North Dakota. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland said further discussion is necessary on the time when dues <br />are set as opposed to the time when counties establish their budgets. <br />Also, he hopes the chairman of the Cass County Board of Commissioners <br />will be appointed to the committee to study the dues structure. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to pay the <br /> balance of 1995 dues to the North Dakota Association of <br /> Counties, that Cass County be represented on the NDACo <br /> committee to review dues structure, and that Cass County <br /> recommends to the NDACo to consider long-range planning to <br /> establish dues over a longer time frame. At the call for <br /> the question and on roll call vote, the motion carried with <br /> three members voting "Aye", Mrs. Toussaint and Mr. Ness <br /> opposing. Mrs. Toussaint said she opposed the motion <br /> because she feels the balance of dues should be what Cass <br /> County budgeted instead of the amount requested by the <br /> association after budgets were established, and she felt a <br /> <br /> <br />
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