County Commission
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Comm. Minutes--November 6, 1990 561 <br /> <br />22. <br /> <br />EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FY 1991, Agreement approved subject to States <br />Attorney review <br />Bob Hoy, States Attorney, said the contract includes a detailed work <br />plan. By signing the contract, Cass County Emergency Management is: <br />1) agreeing to perform all items outlined in the work plan; 2) <br />requesting federal money be made available to Cass County Emergency <br />Management and agreeing to account for the money and handle funds in <br />accordance with the contract. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoy questioned what parts of the work plan are federally mandated <br />and what parts are not. Glenn Ellingsberg, Emergency Manager, said <br />emergency management funding at the federal level is done through a <br />civil defense act. The federal government writes a contract with each <br />state. Cass County Emergency Management uses the state's work plan <br />drawn up for each county and remodeled to suit county needs. The work <br />plans developed by the state are done on a computer basis which is the <br />reason for such detail. Therefore, compliance in all areas must be <br />met or funding could be withheld. MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Toussaint seconded to authorize <br /> signing the Emergency Management agreement, and that Glenn <br /> Ellingsberg work with the States Attorney to develop an <br /> understanding for the Commission of what is required by <br /> statute and what is administrative rule. On roll call <br /> vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />23. <br /> <br />WINTER WEATHER AWARENESS DAY, Proclamation MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Toussaint moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to authorize <br /> the Chairman to sign a proclamation designating November <br /> 15, 1990 as Severe Winter Weather Awareness Day. On roll <br /> call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />24. <br /> <br />POLICY ON TAX-FORFEITED PROPERTY, Page property purchased by contract <br />for deed <br />Auditor Ordelle Brua said Steven J. and Cindy L. Erickson thought they <br />had until November 1, 1990 to pay the oldest year's taxes (1985) on <br />property they owned in Page. If the oldest year is not paid by <br />October 1st, according to state law, all delinquent taxes must be paid <br />in order for the owner to redeem the property. The Erickson's are <br />requesting the County Commission to enter into a contract for deed for <br />the total amount of taxes due with 25% down and the balance to be paid <br />in 18 equal monthly installments. <br /> <br />According to NDCC 57-28-19, such installments shall bear interest at <br />a rate determined by the county commissioners but shall not exceed the <br />prime rate per annum as established by the Bank of North Dakota for <br />the month immediately preceding the month in which the contract was <br />entered into. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Toussaint moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to adopt tax <br /> forfeit policy outlined by the States Attorney as follows: <br /> at annual tax sales, the county auditor is authorized to <br /> consider contracts for deed where the request is initiated <br /> by the buyer and buyer is also the current occupant and <br /> <br /> <br />
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