County Commission
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12. <br /> <br />Comm. Minut. c,s--Novc,mber £;, 1990 557' <br /> <br />Discussion: Hr. Shannon asked Mr. Hoy when the state <br />agreed to release funds to the three regions. Hr. Hoy said <br />he got a telephone call at 9:00 a.m. today from Larry <br />Bernhardt, Assistant Director of the Department of Human <br />Services, who assured Mr. Hoy that the State Human Services <br />Department would release funds to Cass County and the other <br />regions upon execution of the contracts received today. On <br />roll call vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />SHERIFF STAFF/IACP STUDY, MODEL REPORT, Preliminary action plan <br />Scott Kildahl, Model Project Coordinator, and Bonnie Johnson, County <br />Coordinator, met with Sheriff Don Rudnick on two occasions to analyze <br />staffing requests in light of short and long-term recommendations <br />recently submitted in both the "Cass County Model" and the <br />International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) reports. He <br />provided Commissioners with a copy of a preliminary action plan and <br />proceeded to read their recommendations. <br /> <br />Mr. Eckert asked the Sheriff for any comments on the preliminary <br />action plan. Sheriff Rudnick said the IACP report pointed out some <br />problems as far as reorganization, and he thinks the Personnel <br />Department should make some recommendations to the Commission. <br />Personnel Director Geoff Riches said he was not involved in the <br />recommendations but would like to have input on a number of things. <br />Mr. Kiidahi said he and Mrs. Johnson prepared this report for the <br />Commission as a decision-making tool, and now it can be turned over <br />to the Personnel Department to answer the many questions that have to <br />be addressed. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Toussaint moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to approve a <br /> drug task force officer, a D.A.R.E. drug education <br /> employee, a work release coordinator, and continue two <br /> transportation officers on a part-time basis in accordance <br /> with the outline of the report received on this date from <br /> Mr. Kildahi and Ms. Johnson. At the call for the question, <br /> the motion carried on roil call vote with Mrs. Toussaint, <br /> Mr. Wieiand and Mr. Shannon voting "Aye", Mr. Eckert and <br /> Mr. Sondrall opposing. Mr. Eckert said he couldn't support <br /> the motion because he would like more time for review. <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />SHERIFF RESIDENCE, Work Release possibilities <br />County Court Judge Frank Racek wrote a letter to the County Commission <br />dated October 16, 1990, asking to use the former sheriff residence <br />adjacent to the jail for the work release classification of prisoners. <br />He said there was a waiting list most of the summer for people to get <br />on the program. The situation has eased up somewhat, at this time. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland suggested taking some time to study this further if it <br />isn't needed at the present time. However, Judge Racek said six <br />people have been double-bunked for the past six months in the work <br />release ceil block. He has talked to Lt. Wait Willis about making <br />more beds available. <br /> <br />Mr. Eckert asked how it would affect staffing if the work release <br />program was moved from the jail. Sheriff Rudnick said he would need <br /> <br /> <br />
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