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<br />Commission Minutes--October 3, 2005 2985 <br /> <br />12. BUDGET FOR 2006, Final budaet adopted <br />Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, provided a budget and levy summary for 2006 and said <br />the public hearing on the county budget was held two weeks ago, on September 19th. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve the 2006 Cass <br />County Budget at $49,524,429 with a tax levy of no more than 62.00 mills <br />for the General and Special Revenue Funds of the county; no more than <br />2.35 mills for the Weed Control Fund, 1.00 mill each for the Vector <br />Control Fund, County Park Fund and Red River Joint Water Resource <br />District; and no more than 4.00 mills for each of the four water resource <br />districts in Cass County. Discussion: Mr. Vanyo said everyone worked <br />hard during this budget session to lower the county mill levy, and he said <br />other local government entities appear to be approving lower mill levies <br />also. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />13. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Access issues on County Hiahway 22 <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, provided information on effective access management on <br />county roads, and he gave a PowerPoint presentation relating to a request from Homeland <br />Developers, Inc. dated September 23,2005, for access to Cass County Highway 22 west of <br />Harwood. <br /> <br />A recommendation of Mr. Berndt's would be to place access to Mr. Morken's development <br />200' further west than indicated in order to better meet county access and arterial road <br />policies and to allow for better site distance from the Sheyenne River bridge and future turn <br />lanes. Mr. Berndt said future development to the west would be better served by a shared <br />access and would allow for better neighborhood connectivity. <br /> <br />Also present were James Morken, of Homeland Developers, Inc., and Keith Monson, <br />adjacent property owner to the proposed 18-lot development. <br /> <br />Mr. Morken said he has already spent a lot of money on this project and would stand to lose <br />one or two lots by moving the county highway access further west as recommended by the <br />county engineer. He appealed to the county commission to approve the project as planned <br />and said the preliminary plat has been approved by the City of Harwood. Delaying the <br />project now would force it into another year, according to Mr. Morken, as he plans to begin <br />work on the sanitary sewer system yet this year. <br /> <br />Commission members discussed jurisdiction issues when a county road goes through a <br />municipality. Mr. Morken said his development property has been annexed by the City of <br />Harwood and his plat is on the city council agenda this evening for second reading. <br /> <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, said the decision on placement of a county highway access <br />does not appear to be within the county's jurisdiction when a road is within the city limits. <br />He has not researched liability issues but would be willing to do that. Mr. Berndt suggested <br />considering a future county policy to enter into maintenance agreements with a city for the <br />portion of a county road located within city limits. This topic may be addressed by the board <br />in the future. <br />