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<br />Commission Minutes--July 7,2003 2617 <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir suggested that the committee consist of County Engineer Keith Berndt, <br />Director of Equalization Frank Klein, and one or two members of the county commission. <br />Commissioners Meyer and Sorum volunteered to serve on the committee. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to appoint a committee <br />consisting of Keith Berndt, Frank Klein, John Meyer and Robyn Sorum to <br />bring back a recommendation at the August 4th Commission meeting on <br />the procedures regarding farm land leases in the greenway area. <br />Discussion: Mr. Meyer suggested that Keith Berndt serve as chairman <br />and schedule the committee meetings, and that he contact Curt Cossette <br />and Renold Cossette to give them an opportunity to attend, as well. On <br />roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />14. PARKING LOT, Shared parkina with Fargo Park District west of the county annex <br />Mr. Montplaisir proposed a joint venture between the Fargo Park District and Cass County <br />Government for additional parking. The Fargo Park District owns the land south of the <br />Emerson Smith Building and directly west of the Cass County Annex. The park district <br />would clear the lot and provide the land, while Cass County would pay for improvements at <br />an estimated cost of $134,000.00. About 32 parking spaces would be gained in all, with 11 <br />on the west side being assigned to the park district, 13 on the east side being assigned to <br />Cass County, and the center parking spaces being used as needed. A written agreement <br />would have to be negotiated concerning the use, maintenance and upkeep of the lot, <br />according to Mr. Montplaisir, who brought this matter to the board's attention for information <br />purposes at this time. <br /> <br />15. ELECTION PLANNING, "Help America Vote Act" (HAVA) <br />Mr. Montplaisir reported that he chairs a State planning committee, which has been working <br />on the implementation of HA V A (Help America Vote Act) and the recently approved North <br />Dakota statutes concerning elections. He provided copies of the HA V A Plan, which was <br />prepared as a joint venture by the North Dakota Secretary of State's Office and the North <br />Dakota Association of Counties. A public comment period on the plan runs from today <br />through July 25th, after which time the State planning committee will make any necessary <br />changes and forward it to the Governor and Secretary of State. It will then be submitted to <br />the Federal Election Administration Commission and published in the Federal Register. <br /> <br />Cass County Government will benefit from the HA V A Plan by receiving payment for election <br />equipment in the amount of approximately $10,000.00 for each precinct, up to a total of 61 <br />precincts. The equipment to be used in each precinct includes a ballot scanner for the <br />optical scan ballots and direct recording equipment for people with disabilities. Cass County <br />will also need equipment to run an absentee precinct, and unless the current number of 66 <br />precincts is reduced to Cass County's target number of 61, the county would have to pay <br />the equipment costs of $10,000.00, plus approximately $750 per precinct for election <br />staffing, printing and programming costs in those five extra precincts. The board will need <br />to consider the possibility of consolidating some precincts, likely in the rural areas which <br />have 22 precincts alone, according to Mr. Montplaisir. He said consideration must be given <br />to making the most use possible out of that expensive election equipment, mandated and <br />paid for by the Federal Government. He provided a list of all Cass County precincts, vote <br />totals from the June and November, 2002, elections, and comments on each precinct. <br />