County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--July 7,2003 2618 <br /> <br />In accordance with a recommendation of the 2000 Local Governance Advisory Committee, <br />to hold an annual meeting with all Cass County cities, Mr. Montplaisir suggested scheduling <br />a meeting in September or October to discuss possible consolidation of voting precincts, as <br />well as any other county issues the citizens or county department heads wish to discuss. <br />He said the joint meeting is generally held in Casselton, which is centrally located in the <br />county. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett asked Mr. Montplaisir to bring a suggested plan for precinct consolidation to the <br />meeting with city leaders, and Mr. Montplaisir said it will be important to listen to input from <br />the cities also. Mr. Bennett suggested scheduling an evening meeting after the September <br />15th Commission meeting. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Meyer seconded to set September 15,2003, at <br />7:00 PM as the meeting date and time with cities in Cass County to <br />discuss the HA V A Plan and precinct boundaries, as well as any other <br />county issues. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />16. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve Voucher No. <br />178,059 through No. 178,478. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />17. BUILDING AND GROUNDS REPORT; MEETING UPDATES; PARKING LOT; NACO <br />CONVENTION, Committee reports <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, reported that Cass County received insurance <br />reimbursement for computer equipment damaged by the broken sprinkler head at the Cass <br />County Annex last winter. <br /> <br />Commissioners reported on meetings they have attended in the past two weeks. Mr. Meyer <br />attended water resource district and road issue meetings. Mr. Bennett commented on the <br />shared parking lot with the Fargo Park District that consideration should be given to closing <br />the street between the park district property and the annex lot to incorporate it all into <br />parking. Mr. Montplaisir said that would be an issue to take up with the City of Fargo, and <br />he thinks the fire department and emergency personnel would be opposed to that action, as <br />they were when the county suggested blocking off 9th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue <br />South, when they acquired the Gethsemane Church property. Mr. Bennett said it would be <br />worth consideration anyway, and Mr. Montplaisir will make the necessary contacts. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said he will be attending the National Association of Counties annual <br />conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 13-16, 2003. Mrs. Sorum, Chairman Wagner <br />and County Treasurer Charlotte Sandvik also plan to attend. <br /> <br />18. CORRESPONDENCE, Received and filed <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to receive and file <br />correspondence outlined by the secretary as follows: Motion carried. <br /> <br />West Fargo inert landfill permit opposition, signed by residents living near the landfill, <br />because of waste fires and potentially harmful fumes emitting from the waste piles; <br />
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