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iii. <br /> <br />iv, <br /> <br />voting systems will be posted in conjunction with new <br />voting system implementation in each county. <br />How Criteria is Judged: Success of meeting this <br />performance goal is based on the posting of the required <br />information and its availability in accessible, alternative <br />formats in each polling location in the state. <br />Responsible Official: Secretary of State with the <br />cooperation of county election officials. <br /> <br />The secretary of state shall establish a uniform state-based administrative complaint <br />procedure to remedy grievances according to section 402 of the Help America Vote Act <br />of 2002 (HAVA) [Pub. L. 107-252; 116 Stat. 1666; 42 U.S.C. 15512]. The complaint <br />procedure must be uniform and nondiscriminatory and address complaints of violations <br />of any provision of title III of HAVA, including a violation that has occurred, is occurring, <br />or is about to occur. A complaint filed under the complaint procedure must be in writing, <br />notarized, and be signed and sworn by the person filing the complaint and state the <br />alleged violation of federal or state law. ']'he secretary of state is authorized to <br />consolidate complaints. At the request of a complainant, the secretary of state shall <br />establish a procedure for providing a review on the record. If the secretary of state <br />determines there is a violation of a provision of title III of HAVA [Pub. L. 107-252; 116 <br />Stat. 1666; 42 U.S.C. 15481-15502], the secretary of state shall determine and provide <br />an appropriate remedy. If the secretary of state determines that a violation of title Ill of <br />HAVA has not occurred, the secretary of state shall dismiss the complaint and publish <br />the results of the review. The secretary of state shall make a final determination with <br />respect to a complaint within ninety days of the date the complaint is filed with the <br />secretary of state, unless the complainant consents to a longer period of time for the <br />secretary of state to make a determination. If the secretary of state fails to meet the <br />ninety-day deadline for determining a complaint, the complaint must be resolved within <br />sixty days under an alternative dispute resolution procedure. [Senate Bill 2409] <br /> <br />Williams County, the only county using a punch-card voting system, will be used as a <br />model pilot program in upgrading voting systems to the requirements of HAVA and state <br />law, precinct administration, and training for election officials and voters. Through the <br />course of implementing HAVA in North Dakota, it is the goal of the Secretary of State <br />and county election officials to bring uniformity to the voting process in the state and to <br />ensure all individuals have access to the election process. To ensure uniformity, each <br />polling location in North Dakota will be equipped with a voting system comprised of up to <br />two optical scanners, depending upon need, capable of notifying the voter if corrections <br />are necessary to his or her ballot (known as second-chance voting), and at least one <br /> <br />Proposed North Dakota State tlAVA Plan - l;5)r Pt~hlic Reviews, Page 13 of 21 <br /> <br /> <br />