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p America Vole <br /> <br />direct recording electronic (DRF:) voting system to allow persons with disabilities, and <br />others, to vote. To achieve this goal, the state will attempt to completely implement the <br />new voting system in Williams County by June 1, 2004. Other counties may be given <br />the opportunity to fully implement the new voting systems, depending upon county size <br />and demographics, by June 1,2004. All counties will be required to be in full <br />compliance by January 1, 2006. These requirements are subject to voting system <br />availability. <br /> <br />North Dakota is exempt from the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, along with the <br />voter registration and certain provisional voting requirements contained in the Help <br />America Vote Act of 2002. <br /> <br />Revised state law authorizes the creation of a centralized electronic voter database that <br />will link the Secretary of State's office with county election official's offices. The <br />centralized database will provide a post Election Day tool for preventing and detecting <br />voter fraud and generating accurate, up-to-date Election Day poll books. <br /> <br />Ongoing management of the State Plan is the responsibility of the Secretary of State. <br />Minor changes will be administered by a Steering Committee appointed by the Secretary <br />of State. Steering Committee membership will consist of representatives from the <br />Secretary of State's office, county election officials, and the North Dakota Association of <br />Counties. In the event of a major change to the proposed plan, the State HAVA <br />Planning Committee, including representation from local government, voter interest <br />groups, and general citizens, will be reconvened for review and consultation. All <br />members recognize HAVA as a constantly evolving program requiring significant <br />enhancements in the administration of elections in North Dakota. To ensure proper and <br />comprehensive daily administration, the Secretary of State, county election officials and <br />the North Dakota Association of Counties will continue to build and rely on the unique <br />trust and cooperation which characterizes the relationship between North Dakota's state <br />and local governments. <br /> <br />Proposed North Dakota State HAVA Plan - FUt' Public Re~,ie~, Page 14 of 21 <br /> <br /> <br />