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Recomnleodaflon rff thc Governlnff Body of Ihe CRy or 'ibwnshlp <br /> <br /> Ou _~-'"'""-, [ q' ~, .~____. tire govertdug board of this municipalily, after e×amblation nf this applicalion and Ihe facts, passed <br />a ~csolullou recommending Io Ihe Board of County Commissio~ers Ibat the application be~t <br /> <br /> - . City Audit~r Township Clerk, <br /> <br />Acliun by tl~e Board of Counfy Commlsslmters <br /> <br />Application was by ac ion <br /> App~oved/RcJccled <br /> <br />Counly Board Of Commissioners. <br /> <br /> Based upon an examination or tire facts aud the provisinus of North Dakola Century Code § 57-23-04, we approve this application. Tile taxable <br /> <br />valuathm is rcdtlccd limn $ __ lo $ and the taxes are reduced accordingly. 31m taxes, if paid, <br />will be refunded lo Ibc extent of $ . The Board accepts $ ia fall settlement of taxes for tim <br /> <br />tax year. <br /> <br />We reject this applicalion for the following reason(s): <br /> <br />Dated - <br /> <br />County Auditor Cltait pet son <br /> <br /> Certlllcatlon Of Cormiy Andllor <br /> I certi fy thfit tile Board of County Commissioners took the action stated above and the records of my office and tile office of tile County 'rreasurer <br />sh,,w lite following facts as lo tile assessme,lt and lite paymeat of taxes ou tile property described in this application. <br /> <br />.......... Dale Paid I'ayment Made <br /> Year Taxable Value 'lhx (ir paid) Under Written Protest7 <br /> yes/no <br /> <br />certify that tile taxable valuation aud the Inxes ordered abated or refunded by Ihe Board or County Commissioner are as follows: <br /> I <br /> <br /> Year Reduction iu 'lhxable Valuallou I Reduction in Taxes <br /> I <br /> <br />County Auditor <br /> <br />Dale <br /> <br /> <br />