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Application For Abatement And Settlement Of Taxes <br /> North Dakota Century Code § 57-23-04 <br /> <br />File wilh tile County Auditor on or before November 1 of the year following the year in which the tax becomes delinquent. <br /> <br />Stare Of North Dakota <br />CmmtyOf COq ~l~ <br /> <br />Legal descripllon i,f the property involved in this appllcalion: <br /> <br />Total true and full value of the property descrlhed <br /> <br /> IO <br /> t,,o <br /> <br />Total true ami fldl ynlue o[ the property described <br /> <br />ahove for tile year ~00~. is: <br /> <br /> improvements $ ~ <br /> <br /> Total $_ ~ ~ 0 <br /> <br /> above for the year:~ should be: <br />R,.s:do.,*,.,t Lo'l' a,,d ,, .$.. O <br /> Improvements $ <br /> <br /> Total $ <br /> <br />true and full value between (1) and (2) above Is dne to the following reason(s): <br /> <br /> , I. Agricultural property trne and filll valae exceeds its agricnlturnl valne defined in N.D.C.C. § 57-02-27.2 <br />[._} 2. Residential or commercial property's true anti fifll valae exceeds the nlarket value <br />{.j 3. Em, r ta properly description, entering the description, or ex,earl/ag Ihe tax <br />~ 4. Nonexisting improvement assessed <br />Ell 5. Complainant or property is exempt from taxation (Attach a copy of Application for Property Tax Exemption) <br />[J 6. Dnplicate assessme,,t _ <br />~ 7. Property improvemeRt was dan,aged by fire. flood or tornado (see N.D.C.C. § 57-23-04(I)(g)) <br />[_] 8. Error in noti,,g payment of taxes, taxes emn,eously paid <br />[J 9. I'roperty qualifies for Ihunestead C,edit ac,md/ag to r.ID.C.C. § 57-02-08.1 (Attach a copy of tlomcstcad Credit Application) <br />[.j ItL Other (Explain) <br /> <br />The tolh,wing facts ,'elate Io the n,:nkel value of Ihe ms/deal/al or commercial properly describexl above. For agricaltural propm'ty, go directly to <br />question #5. <br /> <br />I. Purchase price of property: $ Date of purchase: <br /> Terms: Cash Contract Trade Other (explain) <br /> <br /> Was there personal property involved in the parchase price? Estimated value: $ <br /> yes/no <br /> <br />2. llas the property been offered for sale on the open market? ____. If yes, how long?. yes/no <br /> <br /> Asking price: $ Terms of sale: <br /> <br />3. The property was iodependently appraised: __-- <br /> <br />yes/no <br /> <br />Appraisal was n, ade by whom? <br /> <br />Purpose of appraisal: <br /> <br /> Market value estimate: $ <br /> <br />4. The applicaat's estimate of ,,ta, ket valtlc of thc plopcHy involved {u tiffs al~p!ica ;n <br /> <br />5. The estimated ag,-icnllural productive value of this property is excessive because of the folk, wing condition(s): <br /> <br />iry filing this application. 1 cot,sent to an inspection of the above-described property by an authnrized assessment official for the purpose of making aa <br />app,alsal of II,e property. 1 re,de,stand the official will give ,ne reasonable notification of Ihe insl,ection. See N.D.C.C. § 57-23~05.1. <br /> <br />,,,,,tier. that this, application is, to the best of, ,ny knowledge and belief, a tn, e ~.~~ ~C, xand co,_~___~icati~. //..,.~CN~~/ <br /> <br />in a govcnunental <br /> <br /> <br />