County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--August 15, 2005 2957 <br /> <br />12. LOST INSTRUMENT BOND, Received and filed for Don Harstad Company. Inc. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to receive and file <br />Indemnity Bond for Lost Instrument to Don Harstad Company, Inc. and to <br />authorize the county auditor and county treasurer to issue a duplicate <br />check. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />13. CONTRACT APPROVAL, Sheriff's Department arant application/purchase of service <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to approve the following <br />Sheriff's Department grant application and purchase of service <br />agreement, subject to State's Attorney review, and authorize the <br />chairman to sign: On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />- 2005 application for funding on behalf of Youthworks under the Juvenile Justice <br />& Delinquency Prevention Act; <br />North Dakota Highway Patrol purchase of service agreement to enforce laws <br />relating to underage drinking. <br /> <br />14. NORTH DAKOTA AIR NATIONAL GUARD, ReQuest for additional funds <br />Kelli Poehls, Public Affairs Coordinator of the Chamber of Commerce of Fargo Moorhead, <br />was present to answer any questions on behalf of Chamber Director, David Martin, and Dick <br />Walstad, Chairman of the Fargo-Moorhead Air National Guard Support Group. In a letter to <br />Chairman Vanyo dated July 27,2005, Mr. Walstad indicated additional funds are needed to <br />continue the process of supporting the Air National Guard/119th Fighter Wing in Fargo <br />during the United States Department of Defense BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) <br />process. Most of these funds would be used to retain Washington, D.C. consultants, The <br />Spectrum Group, to assist through the September conclusion of the BRAC process. <br /> <br />Ms. Poehls said the committee is making progress and receiving frequent updates; <br />however, no final decisions are expected until September. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to approve additional funds <br />in the amount of $2,000 to support the North Dakota Air National Guard <br />"Happy Hooligans" from being on the base closure list, the funds to be <br />paid from the county contingency fund, leaving a balance of $4,500 in the <br />contingency fund. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />15. DISTRICT COURT, ReQuest for office space improvements <br />Mr. Vanyo said he received a letter from Presiding District Judge Georgia Dawson dated <br />August 3, 2005, requesting consideration at the board's next regular meeting about certain <br />items that were rejected in the second round of funding by the State Court Facilities <br />Improvement Advisory Committee. Judge Dawson listed five items she believes cannot wait <br />another year to be addressed, such as carpet ripples, reversing the direction that a door <br />swings open, library painting, jury chair replacement and carpentry work to remove a <br />counter in order to set up an office cubicle. <br /> <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, talked about each of the items in Judge Dawson's <br />letter. She said a number of court improvements were made with county funds, in addition <br />to the items paid for by the first round of grant money that was awarded to Cass County. <br />
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