County Commission
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9/14/2005 4:10:44 PM
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<br />Commission Minutes--August 15, 2005 2958 <br /> <br />Since the state grant application was denied this time, Mrs. Johnson said maintenance <br />workers could repair the paint in the library and remove the door to a new administrative <br />office area to make the space work better. Some of their carpeting was replaced this year <br />on a rotation basis with other county offices, and perhaps mats could be used to cover <br />carpeting that is rippled in the work areas until the next carpet replacement project in the <br />courthouse is scheduled. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson said she provided replacement jury chairs from the county rather than <br />attaching the old ones to the floor through the new carpet in the courtroom. Mr. Wagner <br />suggested that new cubicles be reconfigured rather than having the county cut out some of <br />the built-in cabinetry. Mr. Vanyo said some things could be done now and some may have <br />to wait because of the expense. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to have Bonnie Johnson <br />coordinate the items for District Court improvements, except for the <br />carpeting. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />16. DISASTER EMERGENCY SERVICES, Hazardous Weather Operations Plan adopted <br />Dave Rogness, Emergency Manager, provided commissioners with a "Cass County <br />Hazardous Weather Operations Plan" compiled as a resource for officials during severe <br />weather-related events. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to adopt the Cass County <br />Hazardous Weather Operations Plan as presented. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />17. DISASTER EMERGENCY SERVICES, Emeraency Procedures Handbook adopted <br />Mr. Rogness also provided commissioners with a "Cass County Emergency Procedures <br />Handbook" compiled for county staff. He said the handbook was discussed by county <br />department heads and recommended for approval and adoption. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to adopt the Cass County <br />Emergency Procedures Handbook as presented. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />18. BEER & LIQUOR PERMIT, First readina of ordinance relatina to possible closina time <br />A letter of application was received from JackNick, LLC, doing business as the <br />Knickerbocker Liquor Locker in Hickson, for extended hours to 2:00 AM to engage in the <br />retail sale of alcoholic beverage and consumption. Mike Bice, co-owner of the bar in <br />Hickson, was present and said he is losing business to bars in surrounding jurisdictions <br />that passed an ordinance or resolution extending the closing time to 2:00 AM for their <br />respective alcoholic beverage licensees, as allowed by state law. <br /> <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, provided a handout today of House Bill 1383, showing <br />changes in state law extending the possible closing time to 2:00 AM along with a draft <br />resolution to set the hours for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in Cass County. He said <br />the county may wish to consider adopting an ordinance on this topic. <br /> <br />Mr. Bice said he does not intend to stay open until 2:00 AM on a regular basis; however, he <br />has a big band event on September 2nd and would like to stay open longer on this date. <br />
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