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hour coverage. <br /> <br />Second, the original staffing plan was based on <br />estimated workloads of posts in the new building. Since <br />the opening of the jail, the Supervisors have made <br />adjustments in coverage based on the "real" workload. <br />of the new posts. Some posts that were only going to <br />be staffed with one officer now have two officers thus <br />causing a shortage somewhere else. <br /> <br />Third, the Main Male Housing pod was opened ~before <br />adding staff to cover that post. Again causing a shortage <br />somewhere else. For example, coverage was <br />the work release area to cover the Main Male Housing <br />post. And, time for shift change, shift meetings, and <br />training has been reduced to cover shortages, for <br />example, during family/friends visitation. <br /> <br />Adequate staffing is defined as having the right number <br />of qualified staff, at the right place, at the right time, <br />doing the right thing. ]:f any of these four requirements <br />of adequate staffing is not being met, then staffing will <br />not be sufficient. Having the right number of staff is only <br />one of the four requirements for adequate staffing. <br /> <br />The perception or reality of being short staffed causes <br />staff to feel overworked or overwhelmed. They may feel <br />they have insufficient time to do their job right or they <br />may feel unsafe. These feelings hurt morale and <br />performance. ]:t may result in such things as abuse of <br />sick leave and increased staff turnover. Therefore, a <br />complete workload analysis for each post should be <br />conducted and a formal written staffing plan should be <br />developed based on that analysis. Once remedial <br />actions are taken, it is up to the Supervisors to show <br />staff they are not short of staff. <br /> <br />The staffing plan should be updated every year as part <br />of the preparation for the annual budget process. <br /> <br />Training issues were discussed with the jail's Training <br />Officer. The FTO program is functioning well althought <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br /> <br />